Tag Archives: New Feudalism

Elitists vs. Anti-Elitists

     For centuries now, revolutions—be they violent or be they peaceful—have been the modus operandi of the elite who fancy themselves as benevolent. The dyed-in-the-wool Left have fully adopted this position of noble elites guiding the peasants for their own, greater … Continue reading

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Populism Isn’t Democracy, It’s Ochlocracy

     One of the great achievements, and integral elements of America as a civic nation (and formerly the Anglosphere more widely), was the keystone concept of liberty under law—an ordered liberty ordered not by either a ruling elite or some Rousseau-esque … Continue reading

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Communism And Polyamory

     Instead of being greedy, sharing equally within a larger group results in prosperity hand happiness? That is the idea behind Communism, where, transformed into the New Soviet Man non-gender specific person, people no longer greedily hold onto what is theirs … Continue reading

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Leviathan’s School Meals

     The state, Leviathan, considers all children to be not the parents’ but Leviathans. One of the ways Leviathan lays claim is in the name of “equity” and “equalization”. Good parents that can and do provide a good childhood for their … Continue reading

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Cabin Boy Living

     The Left have long been obsessed with utopian visions of living complete with their amaxophobic fears of the freedom of the car and thus their obsession with “walkable” communities which emphasizes communal living spaces and at most limited personal space. … Continue reading

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A Contrast In The Treatment Of Farmers: Texas vs. The Netherlands

     When it comes to farming, ranching, and other related activities that are vital to human civilization, different societies have different ways of approaching this.   There is no greater distinction, perhaps, than the Netherlands (and their E.U. puppet masters) and … Continue reading

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Censorship For Your Own Good

     The following message transmitted via a Silmaril… I’ve previously spoken of my high hopes for Labour Prime Minister of Middle Earth New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, and she delivered! She’s saved the people of Middle Earth New Zealand from the menace … Continue reading

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The War On Gas Automobiles Is Upon Us

     Two years ago, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to ban the sale of gas automobiles and trucks. That executive order is now being put into effect. “California on Thursday is expected to put into effect its sweeping … Continue reading

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UC San Diego Family Orientation: No Whites (Or Asians) Allowed

     The University of California, San Diego, which is legally prohibited from discriminating against, or giving preferential treatment to, anyone on the basis of race had decided to go full racial segregation. BREAKING: University of California San Diego is hosting racially-segregated … Continue reading

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Banned: The “G” Word

     The “N” word is now no longer the most politically incorrect offensive term ever. The new word that shall now be verboten is “groomer”.   The claim is that “groomer” is being used as a slur against all LGBTQ&c. people, … Continue reading

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