Tag Archives: Science

Utah vs. Gaia (And Robots And Aliens)

     Governments either creating or banning “rights” for “nature” is as hot of a topic as ever, and now Utah has not only banned “rights” for Gaia, but far beyond that with HB 0249. It reads, in part: 63G-31-102. Legal personhood … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – Towards Genetically Engineered Catgirls: Brain Implants; Designer Chromosomes; Clever Dogs?

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Inumimi Mode?      First, a little mood music:      Carrying on…      Brain computer … Continue reading

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Happy Pi Day!

     Happy π Day everyone!      Here is a song to help you memorize the first 200 digits of the number Pi. Tweet

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Quick Takes – Towards Genetically Engineered Catgirls: Artificial Wombs; A.I. Transistors; Biocomputer Brains

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Better living through technology?      First, a little mood music:      Carrying on… … Continue reading

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Firing Line Friday: Is There an Answer to Malthus?

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.      Yet another “climate conference” has concluded, with doomsayers demanding that people must suffer for Gaia. Let us look … Continue reading

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Organs For Interspecies Transplants: Could Genetically Engineered Catgirls Be Not Far Behind?

     Tranplanting organs between humans, being of the same species, is anything but a sure thing. Being able to transplant organs between species, with the aid of genetic engineering, could put an end to waiting lists for life-saving organ transplants. “A … Continue reading

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Human Trials For Artificial Wombs Begin. Can Lab-Grown Catgirls Be Far Behind?

     There have been many advancements in the development of artificial wombs, primarily with the goal of helping extreme premature babies survive. Now human trials are set to begin: “In 2017, researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) announced they … Continue reading

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Complete Synthetic Embryos Without Legal Restriction Mean One Thing: Legally Mass Produced Genetically Engineered Catgirls

     Last year, it was reported that scientists (or as the British like to call them, “Boffins”) created synthetic embryos complete with beating heart and functioning brain.   Now, in an article recently published, a new breakthrough has produced the first … Continue reading

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The First Time As Farce, The Second As Tragedy

     Karl Marx, as usual, got things backwards: The first time is farce, when something comes across as so outlandish that it seems impossible for many people to take it seriously for any amount of time if at all, while the … Continue reading

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Neuro-Machine Computer Chips Mean One Thing: Cyborg Catgirls

     There has been much development on utilizing organic material, specifically artificial and harvested neurons, in developing technology, while also developing neuron-computer interfaces to create a future of possibilities. Now a silicon-neuron hybrid that bring sentience to computers: “Last year, Monash … Continue reading

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