Tag Archives: Gender

About That Wage Gap…

     The gender pay gap is one of those things bandied about to prove The Patriarchy™ oppresses women at the workplace. Of course we know if you take into account other factors, this gap almost completely disappears. However, we are now … Continue reading

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Happy Pi Day!

     Happy π Day everyone!      Here is a song to help you memorize the first 200 digits of the number Pi. Tweet

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Quick Takes – Your Children Are Theirs: Grooming Kids via Invading Their Privacy; Traning Kids via Secrecy; Radicalizing Kids via Anti-Racism

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: If you don’t eat your impossible meat, then you can’t have … Continue reading

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Woke Indoctrination Has Already Been Immanentized

     A recent article over at Reason Magazine has highlighted a disturbing trend of wokeness, when it comes to Critical Race Theory becoming more accepted at younger ages, with the youngest adults (“Gen Z”) supporting the idea that White people are … Continue reading

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What Is Allowed And What Isn’t, By This They Shall Be Known

     Purported “book bans” are all the social justice rage these day. So much so that one of the newly sworn in members of the Central Buck school board swore on… a stack of “banned books”. “Smith stood out at the … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – “DEI”: Diversity Failing Science; Excluding Biological Reality From Medicine; Inequality Mandated For Faculty Statements In Aerospace Programs

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Praxis in action.      First, a little mood music:      Carrying on…      Science must … Continue reading

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School Smut Hypocrisy, Florida Edition Redux

     If Florida is where “woke goes to die”, these smut peddlers (i.e. a public school board) haven’t gotten the message. Yet again a parent is stopped from showing a book, available in the school library, in public at a school … Continue reading

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The Latest Pride Parade Must Have: Condoms For Kids

     We’ve gone from “stay out of the bedroom” to tossing condoms to children in public. WATCH: Condoms thrown at kids during Jacksonville Pride Parade where mayor Donna Deegan is the Grand Marshal pic.twitter.com/9irDEPylLh — Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) October 8, 2023 … Continue reading

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The Gender Snowman Brought To You By… The Federal Government

     Move over “Genderbread Person” and “Gender Unicorn”, all the woke kids are being taughtm, by the dictates of the Wisconsin Department of Education, to talk about snowmen and how they are all special little snowflakes! The Wisconsin Department of Instruction … Continue reading

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The First Time As Farce, The Second As Tragedy

     Karl Marx, as usual, got things backwards: The first time is farce, when something comes across as so outlandish that it seems impossible for many people to take it seriously for any amount of time if at all, while the … Continue reading

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