Monthly Archives: March 2024

News of the Week (March 31st, 2024)

  News of the Week for March 31st, 2024 Tweet

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Quick Takes – Normalizing Euthanasia: Anti-Euthanasia Tattoos; Lessening The Worth Of A Disabled Persons Life; The Slippery Slope Ain’t No Fallacy

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: When death becomes the highest moral good from caregivers.      First, a … Continue reading

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Defending America’s Borders Begins Abroad

     When the late Sonny Bono ran for the U.S. Senate, he was asked about illegal aliens, and he replied that if it’s illegal than it’s illegal and we should enforce the law. Your humble author has shared this very straightforward … Continue reading

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About That Wage Gap…

     The gender pay gap is one of those things bandied about to prove The Patriarchy™ oppresses women at the workplace. Of course we know if you take into account other factors, this gap almost completely disappears. However, we are now … Continue reading

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Alabama vs. Wokeness

     Many states have taken measures against wokeness in one variety or another, and now Alabama has joined in with SB 129 being signed by the Governor. It, in part, prohibits the state from pushing “divisive concepts” and programs to push … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Progressives | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

News of the Week (March 24th, 2024)

  News of the Week for March 24th, 2024 Tweet

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Communism And Polyamory

     Instead of being greedy, sharing equally within a larger group results in prosperity hand happiness? That is the idea behind Communism, where, transformed into the New Soviet Man non-gender specific person, people no longer greedily hold onto what is theirs … Continue reading

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The Cause Of Inflation

     With inflation still an issue, many wonder just what is causing it? Let this cartoon bit from over half-a-century ago educate you if you still don’t understand. Scrooge McDuck tells what would happen if we printed a few billion dollars … Continue reading

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Comrade Chuck Schumer

     This past Lunar (AKA “Chinese”) New Year, New York Senator Chuck Schumer attended acelebration with Communist Chinese officials, including one associated with China’s extraterritorial “police stations”, including in New York City, while he waved the Communist Chinese flag. New: Senator … Continue reading

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News of the Week (March 17th, 2024)

  News of the Week for March 17th, 2024 Tweet

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