Monthly Archives: April 2015

Quick Takes – Biological Reality is a Lie, Biology Wins Anyway, and that is Empirically True

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: You can’t fool mother nature.      First, a little mood music:   … Continue reading

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Pineapples of Oppression

     Is there anything more oppressive to a special little snowflake, aside from a “lumpy space princess” than… a pineapple? Tweet

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Freedom Under Law

     This is the value of the Magna Carta, and is the foundation of Anglo-Saxon and British values, and thus the core value of America and the rest of the Anglo-sphere.      As Daniel Hannan, MEP, straightforwardly defends: Tweet

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Walk Like A RACIST

     Apparently the Bangles are evil racist oppressors for getting everybody to “Walk Like an Egyptian”: Tweet

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News of the Week (April 26th, 2015)

  News of the Week for April 26th, 2015 Tweet

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100 Years Ago Today: Gallipoli

     Today is the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign, which saw Australian and New Zealand soldiers bravely fight and die.      Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot gave a solemn speech on ANZAC in remembrance. Tweet

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A Demi-mogairomantic Demi-pansexual Magigender Otherkin Thinks Ytself is a Crystalline Rock

     If a special little snowflake can be anything yt wants to be, yt just as well be a sparkly gem: Tweet

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Race is a Linguistic Construct

     Apparently, your being White or not is determined by what language your grandparents spoke.      Interestingly enough, this means that most Blacks in America, whose grandparents spoke English, are actually White.  This would also mean that your humble narrator isn’t. Tweet

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MAD for Clintons New Logo

     MAD magazine has yet again proved to offer equal opportunity snark. Hillary and Bill Clinton Unveil New Logos — MAD Magazine (@MADmagazine) April 13, 2015 Tweet

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Here Lies A Toppled God

     How do you take a strong and thriving civilization built on the rule of law, destroy it, and substitute your utopia ex nihilo but dystopia de facto?  Simply this: “Here lies a toppled god– His fall was not a small … Continue reading

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