Monthly Archives: August 2018

They Day

     The “trans” movement is inherently at odds with the biological reality that is intuitively obvious to the most casual (non-indoctrinated) observer. In order to push the “fantasy” that we are somehow not a sexually dimorphic species, our very words must … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – Cisnormativity: In Anime; In Preschool; In Human Behavior

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: It’s like we’re a sexually dimorphic species that perpetuates itself through … Continue reading

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Transing the Cake

     The Masterpiece Cakeshop, after winning the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case this year at the Supreme Court, discovered that the same biased Colorado Civil Rights Commission is going after the baker again, this time for not helping … Continue reading

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The White Patriarchy’s Greatest Weapon Against Women of Color: Menses

     Apparently non-White women never menstruated before the White Man came along: W H A T Pls someone tell me this is a joke. Holy shit 😂😆🤣 “White people are the cause of periods and Asians and middle eastern people are … Continue reading

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Venezuela: Purging the Military; Purging Basic Necessities; Purging the People from Venezuela Itself

     What better excuse to make potential dissenters within a regime disappear than a gold old fashioned assassination attempt? Why, none, of course. Whether this drone attack was a “false flag” operation or an honest attempt to get ride of Venezuela’s … Continue reading

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News of the Week (August 26th, 2018)

  News of the Week for Aug. 26th, 2018 Tweet

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Quick Takes – Leviathan as Parent: Racializing Patriotism; Trans in Kindergarten; Medical Ownership

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Putting the “loco” in “In Loco Parentis”      First, a little mood … Continue reading

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When Natural and Normal is Problematic

     Human beings are a sexually dimorphic species, with physical and actual physiological differences, whose continued survival as a species necessitates biological males and biological females engage in a congress of the sexes (i.e. coitus) and both our biological drive and … Continue reading

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     Due to real life intervening, posting will be light for about a week or so with the next “News of the Week” delayed until the following week.      Until then, here is a Live Stream of Kittens. Tweet

Posted on by The Political Hat | 1 Comment

Ten Reasons We’re Against Unions: A Fisking

     As in most things, one can have a reasonable debate over issues. However, sometimes there is such idiocy, such as this pithy little cartoon regarding unions, that deserve… a fisking!      And on to the belittlement…      Union bosses do want to … Continue reading

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