Tag Archives: Green

Quick Takes – In Submission To Mother Earth: Praising Gaia In Medical School; Praising Gaia In Law School; Praising Gaia In The Netherlands

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: The new pagan religious preached by our new secular priesthood.      First, … Continue reading

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Nature Rights In Colorado — Gaia Strikes Back

     The fight by twig-worshipping Gaia cultists to enshrine “rights” for “nature”, there is pushback from saner people.   However, quite often “nature” is granted “rights” by people who do so in order to feel all warm and fuzzy about loving … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – All The Climate Things: Your Car’s Energy; Your Farm And Home; Your Cold Temperature

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: All your things are belong to Gaia (in care of the … Continue reading

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Utah vs. Gaia (And Robots And Aliens)

     Governments either creating or banning “rights” for “nature” is as hot of a topic as ever, and now Utah has not only banned “rights” for Gaia, but far beyond that with HB 0249. It reads, in part: 63G-31-102. Legal personhood … Continue reading

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Gaia Cult Goes Global

     Many countries and localities, including localities in the United States, are starting to recognize “Nature Rights” of Mother Nature and that Gaia’s rights can trump your rights. However, this is a global movement with legal work being done towards that … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – In Service To Gaia: Science, Schools; Milwaukee County

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Slaves to an imaginary spiritual Earth      First, a little mood music: … Continue reading

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A Contrast In The Treatment Of Farmers: Texas vs. The Netherlands

     When it comes to farming, ranching, and other related activities that are vital to human civilization, different societies have different ways of approaching this.   There is no greater distinction, perhaps, than the Netherlands (and their E.U. puppet masters) and … Continue reading

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All Your Electricity Are Belong To California

     Ever wonder how California plans to switch to all electric vehicles in the future and support the burden on their electric grid? The solution is easy: They will drain your electric car while it’s at a “charging station”… leaving you … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – Sacrificing For Gaia: Joe Biden’s Environmental Justice; California Bans Locomotives; Bugs For Lunch At A Posh British School

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: You will live in the pod, eat the bugs, and own … Continue reading

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The Environmental Movement Is A Cult

     It has been clear for a long while now that modern environmentalism is a cult. Now, some are outright calling for Earth Day to be a religious holiday. “So, what would an earth-reverent belief system look like with Earth Day … Continue reading

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