Tag Archives: Green

Quick Takes – Green Authoritarianism: Planetary “Right To Health”; Killing Diesel In California; The Nevada “Green Amendment”

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Watermelons—Green on the outside; red on the inside      First, a little … Continue reading

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Regenerative Society: Communism By Another Name

     Notice how some people push Communism without calling it Communism? This is particularly true when it takes on an ecological sheen by the “Watermelons” (Green on the outside and Red inside).   When you can’t get the masses to rise … Continue reading

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Firing Line Friday: How Much Protection for the Press?

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.      Journalists acting as if they are a special protected class or simply better than others is nothing new, … Continue reading

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Oceans Are People Too According To Science

     We’ve seen politicians and activists declare bodies of water to have fundamental rights akin to a human. Now, a major scientific journal professing its belief in… animism. “Rights of Nature is one legal framework within the body of Earth law. … Continue reading

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Spanish Lagoons Are People Too

     Lakes, swamps, and rivers have all been declared to have personhood and rights enforced by real persons to hinder any and all activities by other real persons no matter how benign or beneficial to real humans. Now a Spanish lagoon … Continue reading

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Censorship For Your Own Good

     The following message transmitted via a Silmaril… I’ve previously spoken of my high hopes for Labour Prime Minister of Middle Earth New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, and she delivered! She’s saved the people of Middle Earth New Zealand from the menace … Continue reading

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Gaia Goes Corporate And Gets An Ambassador Too

     If you can’t beat the evil Capitalists… join ‘em. A British company has given “Nature” a seat on its board of director, or more specifically a guardian legally bound to represent Gaia. “We’ve put our faith in Nature for almost … Continue reading

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The War On Gas Automobiles Is Upon Us

     Two years ago, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to ban the sale of gas automobiles and trucks. That executive order is now being put into effect. “California on Thursday is expected to put into effect its sweeping … Continue reading

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Stealth Veganism

     When most normal people think of a burger, they think of a hamburger made with a beef patty. For other patties, there is usually a qualification (e.g. “chicken burger”, “veggie burger”, &c.).   Why? Because a hamburger is definitionally made … Continue reading

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Human Sacrifice For A Pope-Endorsed Pagan Goddess

     Ah yes, that “noble savage” knowledge and more Earth-centered and spiritual “way of knowing” so alien to the wicked and evil West! So enlightened as to still to this day engage in animal and even human sacrifice. “A man has … Continue reading

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