Quick Takes – All The Climate Things: Your Car’s Energy; Your Farm And Home; Your Cold Temperature

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: All your things are belong to Gaia (in care of the government, of course).

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

     If you have an electric vehicle, you can charge up at home or at a power charging station… or maybe the government will power itself from your car, as California proposed last year.

“The California legislature has introduced a bill that would mandate bidirectional charging capability for all new EVs sold in the state beginning in 2027.

“First spotted by Charged EVs, SB 233 has passed the California Senate Energy Committee and now heads to the Senate Transportation Committee April 25 for further consideration. If enacted, the bill would ensure all new EVs sold in California after 2027 would have the ability to discharge power from their battery packs to assist the power grid, or provide a backup power source for homes.

“‘SB 233 will make EVs more attractive to consumers by enabling them to use their car batteries to power their homes,’ State Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), the bill’s sponsor, said in a statement.”

     The Dutch are not only trying to destroy farms for Gaia, but will force people to give up their own home… but then did you really think you had anything that wasn’t the government’s to dispose of?

“The new Housing Act will give municipalities the power to force someone selling their home to sell to people with a lower or middle income. A parliamentary majority supports Minister Hugo de Jonge’s (Public Housing) bill, AD reports.

“The idea behind this measure is to make sure people with lower incomes can find a home. Now, they often have to bid against wealthier buyers in the tight housing market. Municipalities can set this requirement on half of owner-occupied homes. The bill also lets municipalities reserve half of owner-occupied homes and rentals for their locals or people with crucial professions like teachers and police officers.”

     The idea of “global warming” is increasingly dependent on dismissing inconvenient truths.

“On May 4, India’s capital of New Delhi recorded the third coldest May morning since 1901. At 16 degree Celsius (60 Fahrenheit), the region’s 32 million residents woke up to a relatively cold morning in what is usually the hottest month of the year.

“So why is there a record low temperature when the dominant mainstream narrative tells us that climate change has made our environs warmer than before? Is this just an aberration?

“While Western media obsessed with the warm weather in Spain, India’s capital recorded a very cold summer morning. In fact, most of the cold-weather records in Delhi have gone unreported in Western media, which are mainly interested in showcasing the city’s extreme summer temperatures.

“Neatly concealed from the public’s eye are the record low winter temperatures that Delhi has been witnessing since 2017. In December 2018, Delhi recorded an average minimum temperature of 7°C (44°F), the third lowest in the last 50 years. On December 30, 2019, the maximum temperature settled at 9°C (49°F), making it the coldest December day in 122 years.”


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