Tag Archives: Science

Firing Line Friday: Was It Worth It?

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.      With the United States re-starting manned missions to the moon, some may ask “what is worth it?” just … Continue reading

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“Organoid Intelligence” Of Lab Grown Brains Mean One Thing: Hyperintelligent Bioroid Catgirls

     Advances in bio-technology have gone from making lab grown skin and artificial tissue, to functional biological machines and even neurons. While all these things contribute to making cyborg or bioroid possible, growing and utilizing brain cells as functional thinking machines … Continue reading

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Happy Pi Day!

     Happy π Day everyone!      Here is a song to help you memorize the number Pi (or at least the first 25 digits thereof). Tweet

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News of the Week (December 11th, 2022)

  News of the Week for Dec. 11th, 2022 Tweet

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Human-Animal Hybrid Brains: Is The Age Of Autistic Catgirls Near?

     Scientists have previously and successfully genetically engineered animals to be more clever with splicing human genes into the animals’ genetic code. Now, they have successfully combined human brain cells with the brain of a baby rat. “Scientists have transplanted human … Continue reading

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Oceans Are People Too According To Science

     We’ve seen politicians and activists declare bodies of water to have fundamental rights akin to a human. Now, a major scientific journal professing its belief in… animism. “Rights of Nature is one legal framework within the body of Earth law. … Continue reading

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Censorship For Your Own Good

     The following message transmitted via a Silmaril… I’ve previously spoken of my high hopes for Labour Prime Minister of Middle Earth New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, and she delivered! She’s saved the people of Middle Earth New Zealand from the menace … Continue reading

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Synthetic Embryos Mean One Thing: Mass Produced Genetically Engineered Catgirls

     With all the advancements of science, perhaps the ability to generate complex life from a handful of cells has so many unexplored vistas of possibilities, including the genetic engineering of catgirls suitable for domestic adoption.   A research team at … Continue reading

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Won’t Someone Ride Us Of These Meddlesome Climate Deniers?

     So secure in their faith that Gaia is punishing us all, Biden’s “National Climate Advisor” demands tech companies silence the voices of those icky deniers who fail to praise the “values” of “solar energy”! Biden's National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy … Continue reading

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Scientists Creating Living Skin For Robots Means Only One Thing: Bioroid Catgirls

     The merging of the mechanical and the living continues apace, but instead of adding organic brain power to machines, scientists are making biological androids/gynoids (AKA “bioroids”) possible by making robotic skin from human fibroblasts. “Technologies are blurring the line between … Continue reading

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