Woke Privilege: Queer Illegal Aliens Undetainable; Anti-Racist Firefighters; “Gynosexuals” & The Denormalization Of Straight Men

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: How the oppressed have privilege and the privileged must be oppressed.

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

     Remember, if you are oppressed, then you are more equal than others.

“The Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, from Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., and Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., is aimed at setting minimum standards for detention facilities where thousands of illegal aliens are kept as they await processing. Among other things, it would bar the use of private detention facilities and make sure government-run facilities meet minimum standards as defined by the American Bar Association.


“But the bill goes further by seeking to exempt several groups of illegal aliens from any detention at all. It creates a “special rule for vulnerable persons and primary caregivers,” and says these aliens “may not be detained” unless DHS can demonstrate that it is ‘unreasonable or not practicable to place the alien in a community-based supervision program.’

“Under the bill, ‘vulnerable person’ is defined as anyone who is under 21 or older than 60, pregnant, or who ‘identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex.’ Other vulnerable aliens are those who are a victim of or witness to a crime, anyone who has filed a nonfrivolous civil rights claim in court, anyone with a workplace claim, and those with a ‘serious mental or physical illness or disability.’”

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Neuro-Machine Computer Chips Mean One Thing: Cyborg Catgirls

     There has been much development on utilizing organic material, specifically artificial and harvested neurons, in developing technology, while also developing neuron-computer interfaces to create a future of possibilities. Now a silicon-neuron hybrid that bring sentience to computers:

“Last year, Monash University scientists created the “DishBrain” – a semi-biological computer chip with some 800,000 human and mouse brain cells lab-grown into its electrodes. Demonstrating something like sentience, it learned to play Pong within five minutes.

“The micro-electrode array at the heart of the DishBrain was capable both of reading activity in the brain cells, and stimulating them with electrical signals, so the research team set up a version of Pong where the brain cells were fed a moving electrical stimulus to represent which side of the ‘screen’ the ball was on, and how far away from the paddle it was. They allowed the brain cells to act on the paddle, moving it left and right.

“Then they set up a very basic-reward system, using the fact that small clusters of brain cells tend to try to minimize unpredictability in their environment. So if the paddle hit the ball, the cells would receive a nice, predictable stimulus. But if it missed, the cells would get four seconds of totally unpredictable stimulation.

“It was the first time lab-grown brain cells had been used this way, being given not only a way to sense the world, but to act on it, and the results were impressive.”

     Headpats are a nice, predictable stimulation…

     Just sayin’…

“These programmable chips, fusing biological computing with artificial intelligence, ‘in future may eventually surpass the performance of existing, purely silicon-based hardware,’ says project lead, Associate Professor Adeel Razi.

“‘The outcomes of such research would have significant implications across multiple fields such as, but not limited to, planning, robotics, advanced automation, brain-machine interfaces, and drug discovery, giving Australia a significant strategic advantage,’ he said.”

     They ignore the greatest implications: The development of catgirl cyborgs who can think and learn… and perhaps even enjoy headpats.

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News of the Week (July 30th, 2023)


News of the Week for July 30th, 2023

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Firing Line Friday: Do We Need a Federal Community Property Act?

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.

     Remember when the biggest question regarding marriage wasn’t about if birth certificates should have a “Parent 1” and “Parent 2” or even a question of same sex marriage at all?   Let us look back thirty years ago at the very real question of marital laws regarding community property and if Federal intervention was necessary as William F. Buckley Jr., Shelby White, and Mary Moers Wenig ask “do we need a Federal Community Property Act?

     Until next Friday.

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The Monomania Of The Woke Worldview

     The woke Left define themselves as what they are not and judge goodness by how much someone or something is against evilness, specifically their myriad “systems of oppression”.

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The Commodification Of Human Life

     It seems that the purpose of families has ceased, for many, to be about raising the next generation which keeps society a going concern, and is now about making adults happy with children being but conspicuous consumption. The consequences of this is that children are treated like commodities, which can be canceled if the consumer doesn’t get what they want.

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News of the Week (July 23rd, 2023)


News of the Week for July 23rd, 2023

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Firing Line Friday: Was Gandhi for Real?

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.

     Hagiographies are nothing new, and often historical figures are made out to be more than they were or their opponents made more villainous than they were. A case example for examination is discussed between William F. Buckley, Jr., Richard Grenier, and Lloyd Irving Rudolph who ask was Gandhi for real?

     Until next Friday.

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Quick Takes – California & Kids: Pronoun Punishment; Dead Daughter; Woke Work

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: California is coming for your kids, no matter the cost.

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

     In California, a student is taught to agree with a teachers delusions and lie about objective reality… or face “restorative justice”.

     Unsurpringly, the school didn’t let a little think like the 1st Amendment or even statutory law get in the way.

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Learning About Propaganda

     Most people now-a-days thinks that propaganda is all about peddling lies, and that if it is true (or people believe it is true), that they aren’t being propagandized against. In reality, propaganda is about shaping perceptions of reality, even when it comes to perception of truth.

     This old educational film from early in the Cold War demonstrates how subtle, and effective, propaganda techniques can be.

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