Tag Archives: Democrats

Quick Takes – Sacrificing For Gaia: Joe Biden’s Environmental Justice; California Bans Locomotives; Bugs For Lunch At A Posh British School

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: You will live in the pod, eat the bugs, and own … Continue reading

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Let’s See How Abolishing The Police Is Working Out In West Hollywood…

     Remember how the “enlightened” Left believed that police caused crimes and were tools of the “system” of oppression, and how they should be replaced with experts in reconciliation?      Let’s see how that’s working out in West Hollywood… Notoriously liberal West … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – Gender Madness: Transitioning Is A One Way Street; Transitioning Is A Flip-Flop; Lying To Parents About Children Transitioning

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Welcome to the Hotel Transgender ♪ You can check out anytime … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Healthcare, Progressives | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Home Loan Equity: …To Each According To Their Low Credit Rating

     Recently, California moved to charge the well off and even the middle class to subsidize the electricity rates for the poor. Now, the Biden Administration is going to do the same for Home Loans. “Once again, the administration is prepared … Continue reading

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Leviathan Is Kidnapping Children In Order To Mutilate Them

     Four years ago I warned that Leviathan (i.e. the government) is coming to transgender your children. Now, two states—Washington and California—are in the process of authorizing the government to effectively kidnap your child in order to “transition” them with the … Continue reading

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Electric Equity: …To Each According To Their Electricity Consumption

     California is implementing the Marxist idea of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”… when it comes to electricity. Specifically poor people will have their electricity subsidized directly from middle and upper class electricity users. … Continue reading

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The Radical Fringe And The Overton Window

     Interesting thread on how the Left lets their radical fringe go crazy to make themselves seem more reasonable. Some on the right say we need to fight like the Left does and do what they are doing superficially through their … Continue reading

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They Fear The Traditional Nuclear Family

     Apparently, believing that it is best for children to grow up in a household with a mother and father dedicated to each other and their children is… “un-American”. At least is it according to South Dakota state Representative Erin Healy. … Continue reading

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Biden’s Praxis

     In 2021, President Biden rescinded the ban on “diversity and sensitivity” training that instituted racial divisiveness and discrimination, i.e. implemented “praxis”, via Executive Order. Now, he has promulgated an Executive Order that requires the implementation of “equity”. “Equity”, to remind … Continue reading

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California To Banks: Stop Doing Business With Gun Manufacturers… Or Else!

     Operation Choke Point was a secret government scheme to dissuade banks from working with, amongst others, firearm related businesses. It was a scandal at the time and ended after four years. Now, there is a draft law being openly proposed … Continue reading

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