Tag Archives: Democrats

California Legislature Trying To Legalize Discrimination… Again

     In 1996, California voters passed Prop. 209 to outlaw affirmative action. It has survived for over a quarter of a century and remains the law of the land—at least on paper—for now. The main operative part of it reads plainly: … Continue reading

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Woke Privilege: Queer Illegal Aliens Undetainable; Anti-Racist Firefighters; “Gynosexuals” & The Denormalization Of Straight Men

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: How the oppressed have privilege and the privileged must be oppressed. … Continue reading

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Learning About Propaganda

     Most people now-a-days thinks that propaganda is all about peddling lies, and that if it is true (or people believe it is true), that they aren’t being propagandized against. In reality, propaganda is about shaping perceptions of reality, even when … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – Crazy California: Reparations; Snitching On Haters; Escaping The Hellhole

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: The People’s Republic of California strikes again!      First, a little mood … Continue reading

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Leviathan’s School Meals

     The state, Leviathan, considers all children to be not the parents’ but Leviathans. One of the ways Leviathan lays claim is in the name of “equity” and “equalization”. Good parents that can and do provide a good childhood for their … Continue reading

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Firing Line Friday: The Abscam Controversy

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.      Congressional corruption is nothing new, nor are FBI operations to offer money or other rewards for illegal activity … Continue reading

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Massachusetts To Parents: Sterilize Your Kids Of Face Child Abuse Charges

     While some states are banning genital mutilation and hormone replacement therapy of “transgender” kids as being child abuse, states like Massachusetts are doing the opposite and then some.      The Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth recommends, amongst other things: Treating parents … Continue reading

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Racial Quotas Are Still Unconstitutional

     Forty-five years ago a much more Left-leaning Supreme Court found that racial quotas were Unconstitutional. California tried to impose such quotas for certain racial/ethnic groups, as well as non-straight people. The federal courts granted summary judgment against California.      The judgment … Continue reading

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Leviathan’s Parents

     We have known for a long time that the hardcore statist Left believe that children belong to the state and that only Leviathan should raise them. But even that these days that isn’t enough… now one Nevada Democratic legislator openly … Continue reading

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All Your Electricity Are Belong To California

     Ever wonder how California plans to switch to all electric vehicles in the future and support the burden on their electric grid? The solution is easy: They will drain your electric car while it’s at a “charging station”… leaving you … Continue reading

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