Firing Line Friday: The Issues Involved in Local Control of Reading Matter

     We are all familiar with concerned parents at school board meetings angry at the content of educational textbooks as well as the lack of the teaching of basic skills, while the “professionals” are shocked to be criticized. This is nothing new as we see this debate from over forty years ago between William F. Buckley, Jr., Pamela Bonnell, Norma Gabler, Mel Gabler who discus the issues involved in the local control of reading matter.

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Quick Takes – Queering Children In California: Taking Custody From Parents; Parent Sues School; Combating Gender Ideology

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: Your children will be queer whether you like it or not.

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

     If you live in California and your child says they are transgender, you will soon have a choice of either chemically sterilizing them or having the state take them away to mutilate your kids themselves.

“The California State Assembly has approved a bill, AB 957, making gender affirmation a factor to be considered in child custody cases. The bill, passed on Friday by a vote of 57-16, was previously approved by the California Senate with a vote of 30-9.

“This new legislation, titled the Transgender, Gender-Diverse, and Intersex Youth Empowerment Act, seeks to prioritise the “health, safety and welfare” of children, placing a spotlight on affirming a child’s gender identity. The bill, initially introduced by Democratic Assemblywoman Lori D. Wilson on February 24, underwent amendments in the Assembly on March 13 and further modifications in the Senate on June 5 before its final approval.

“Under the proposed law, parents, who fail to acknowledge and support their child’s gender transition, could face potential consequences, including the loss of custody rights to another parent or even the state itself.”

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Politics As Faith

     Politics often results in emotions overriding reason. But increasingly politics has become a form of faith, with political saviors and a good vs. evil mindset that seeks to purge heathens and heretics aside. Most troubling is a certain gnostic view that everyone else is ignorant and that that they have secret revealed information.

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German Education: Sexual Exploration Rooms For Toddlers

     When most people think of sexual deviancy in Europe, Germany almost always is the first thing to come to most people’s mind… particularly when it involves the sanctioned sexualization of children. From encouraging parents to molest their own children to teaching children that their body belongs to everyone else, Germany has seen it all, especially now with rooms were children can sexually explore themselves and each other.

“[T]hat parents were sent an e-mail from an Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) daycare center in the Hanover region which presented a list of ten rules explaining how children in the ‘body exploration room’ would be encouraged to ‘pet and examine’ themselves and other children.

“‘All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place,” reads the message. ‘Each child decides for themselves whether and with whom they want to play physical and sexual games. Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for themselves and other children.’”

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Twenty-Two Years Ago Today – NEVER FORGET

     Twenty-two years ago today, America was attacked. Instead of focusing in on the political and legal shenanigans going on in politics, let us focus who never would have the luxury of political circuses.  Never forget the victims who died, and those who fought back.

     In Pace, Requiescat.

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News of the Week (September 10th, 2023)


News of the Week for September 10th, 2023

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Firing Line Friday: Resolved: That We Need Not Fear the Religious Right

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.

     Thirty years ago, the Republican coalition still included, in its “three legged stool” coalition not only the small-government libertarians and national defense conservatives, but also the Religious Right. Back then, the consequences of the “Satanic Panic” had weakened that “leg” of the proverbial stool. Let us look back at a debate from the early ‘90s between William F. Buckley, Jr., Cornel West, Ira Glasser, henry J. Hyde, Jacob Neusner, Harriett Woods, Barry W. Lynn, and Pat Robertson who debated the resolution “that we need not fear the religious right”.

     Until next Friday.

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Quick Takes – Judges vs. Bans: Bans On Gender Surgeries For Kids; Bans On Abortion; Band On Drag Shows For Kids

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”.

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

     Parents ought to be the one’s raising their own kids, but the law still bars them from harming their kids physically or being mentally abusive to them. A judge in Arkansas, however, thinks mutilating kids is spiffy.

“Judge James Moody Jr of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas – Central Division in Arkansas struck down the Save Adolescents from Experiment (SAFE) Act, which banned “gender transition procedures” and medical referrals for those procedures. The judge found the law unconstitutional as a violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

“The judge’s decision included extensive findings of fact, including that ‘[t]ransgender care is not experimental care,” that gender transition procedures reduce depression and suicide rates, and that “[g]enital surgeries for adolescents are extremely rare.’”

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School Smut Hypocrisy, Texas Edition Redux

     At this point, is there any school district that isn’t providing pornographic material to children? We’ve already seen how a school board in Texas, of all places, admitted to this accidentally when it stopped the reading of said material (freely available to kids)… and it has happened again in Texas.

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California Legislature Trying To Legalize Discrimination… Again

     In 1996, California voters passed Prop. 209 to outlaw affirmative action. It has survived for over a quarter of a century and remains the law of the land—at least on paper—for now. The main operative part of it reads plainly:

“The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.”

     In 2020, the California grand soviet legislature put Prop. 16 on the ballot which would have outright repealed Prop. 209.

     It failed by double digits margins, even with non-Hispanic Whites not even being a plurality of the state’s population.

     Now, the California grand soviet legislature is at it again, except this time they are being more subtle. Instead of outright repealing it, it allows the Governor to grant the state to discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or on behalf of “marginalized genders, sexes, or sexual orientations” based on “research”.   The main new operative section would read:

“Notwithstanding paragraph (1) but subject to approval by the Governor pursuant to the procedures in subparagraph (B), the State may use state moneys to fund research-based, or research-informed, and culturally specific interventions or programs in any industry, including, but not limited to, public employment, public education, and public contracting, if those interventions or programs are established or otherwise implemented by the State for purposes of increasing the life expectancy of, improving educational outcomes for, or lifting out of poverty specific groups based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or marginalized genders, sexes, or sexual orientations.”

     This is incredibly broad and would allow discrimination for practically any reason whatsoever with just a fig leaf of excuses. It also isn’t even about promoting equality of outcomes, but rather equity.   Even is one group has higher average life expectancy, higher educational outcomes, or higher wealth, they can benefit while other groups (e.g. “cis” heterosexual White males) may be ground into the dust.

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