Quick Takes – Towards Genetically Engineered Catgirls: Brain Implants; Designer Chromosomes; Clever Dogs?

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: Inumimi Mode?

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

     Brain computer interfaces are a prerequisite for catgirl cyborgs.

“Jeffrey Keefer lay on an operating table in the oldest hospital in America surrounded by a surgical team, a group of engineers and a gaggle of spectators hoping to witness the early stages of a healthcare revolution.

“Keefer was undergoing brain surgery to relieve symptoms of Parkinson’s disease—but since his skull would be open for around four hours anyway, he had also agreed to have an experimental device called a brain-computer interface temporarily implanted.

“The unit, developed by Precision Neuroscience, sat on the surface of Keefer’s brain for 25 minutes, reading his mind. During that time, he performed a series of exercises with his hands while engineers matched his brain signals to his movements.

“The goal is to train a device that will give paralyzed patients the ability to operate a computer with their thoughts.”

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School Assignment: Spot The Patriarchy™

     Good thing to know schools are focusing on reading and writing… oh, wait, they’ve found something more important to teach: Uncovering the Patriarcy™!

An assignment at @lsehs   instructed students to roam around their school looking for examples of gender inequity.

The assignment also asks students to find evidence of “the patriarchy” outside of school life.

I’m told parents were really upset when they found out.

We reached out to Lincoln Southeast High School for comment and they said this assignment aligns with Nebraska’s learning standards.

Why are public schools injecting gender ideology into everything?

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News of the Week (April 7th, 2024)


News of the Week for April 7th, 2024

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Gaia Cult Goes Global

     Many countries and localities, including localities in the United States, are starting to recognize “Nature Rights” of Mother Nature and that Gaia’s rights can trump your rights. However, this is a global movement with legal work being done towards that end at the United Nations.

“[In February, there were] preliminary negotiations for the UN environment assembly in Nairobi […], when government representatives were asked to consider a draft resolution by Bolivia on ‘living well in balance and harmony with Mother Earth and Mother Earth centric actions.’ This included a passage on the rights of nature.”

     And no, this isn’t anything new.

“The UN general assembly adopted resolutions recognising the rights of Mother Earth or nature at Rio+20 in 2012 and in the convention on biodiversity in 2022. Altogether, there have been 14 UN general assembly resolutions on this subject.

“Agustín Grijalva, a former supreme court judge in Ecuador who issued a pioneering judgment on the rights of the Los Cedros forest, said the UK dismissal was disrespectful. ‘It is completely disrespectful to rule out in such terms the proposal of Bolivia and other countries of the UN system where it is supposed that government delegates work at least to hear, dialogue and debate what is the best for humanity and nature.’”

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News of the Week (March 31st, 2024)


News of the Week for March 31st, 2024

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Quick Takes – Normalizing Euthanasia: Anti-Euthanasia Tattoos; Lessening The Worth Of A Disabled Persons Life; The Slippery Slope Ain’t No Fallacy

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: When death becomes the highest moral good from caregivers.

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

Death, Rx

     How precarious is life in Canada when elderly patients have to have the positive directive of NOT killing them literally tattooed onto them?

“Considering the Nazi-tinged history of euthanasia, there is something dark and ominous about a headline reading ‘Christine’s “Don’t Euthanize Me” Tattoo.’ Christine Nagel, who got her first tattoo at age 81, doesn’t even approve of tattoos – but the Calgarian had an important reason for getting this one. It is on her upper arm, and the ink letters spell out crystal clear instructions: ‘Don’t euthanize me.’

“In today’s Canada, Nagel finds it necessary.

“She told Amanda Achtman, who works with Canadian Physicians for Life, why the tattoo is so important in an interview for Achtman’s Substack ‘Dying to Meet You’ in August. ‘Because the government passed a bill that is a way to eradicate human life, but human life is a gift from God,’ Nagel said. ‘We don’t decide when it begins; no more do we decide when it ends.’ Nagel was born in London, England, in 1935 and came to Canada in 1957, adopting a total of seven children and surviving an abusive marriage.


“Nagel’s tattoo serves a dual purpose: to ensure that those around her respect her right to life should they need to be reminded, and to advocate for her view that all life is sacred – a view her country, unfortunately, has chosen to abandon. ‘I know I’m here for a reason,’ she told Achtman. ‘Because God wanted me to be. You want to be born into this family and eventually raise His children, do whatever I can to follow His way and to be with Him. And the older I get, the closer I am to God. Respect the life you have. It’s a gift from God.’”

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Defending America’s Borders Begins Abroad

     When the late Sonny Bono ran for the U.S. Senate, he was asked about illegal aliens, and he replied that if it’s illegal than it’s illegal and we should enforce the law. Your humble author has shared this very straightforward view for decades. But stopping illegal immigration is more than just watching the border. Indeed, it doesn’t matter how big of a wall we have if we sit back and allow the conditions that perpetuate the tsunami of aliens entering the United States en masse.

     A state of perpetual siege for a country with one of the longest borders in the world is, and always be, untenable. In order to deal with the continuous wave of people, the United States must deal with the foreign situations that are causing these people to rush upon un in near countless droves.

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About That Wage Gap…

     The gender pay gap is one of those things bandied about to prove The Patriarchy™ oppresses women at the workplace. Of course we know if you take into account other factors, this gap almost completely disappears. However, we are now seeing a pay gap appear in favor of women in some metros.

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Alabama vs. Wokeness

     Many states have taken measures against wokeness in one variety or another, and now Alabama has joined in with SB 129 being signed by the Governor. It, in part, prohibits the state from pushing “divisive concepts” and programs to push the same:

(2) DIVISIVE CONCEPTS. Any of the following concepts:

a. That any race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin is inherently superior or inferior.

b. That individuals should be discriminated against or adversely treated because of their race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin.

c. That the moral character of an individual is determined by his or her race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin.

d. That, by virtue of an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin, the individual is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or subconsciously.

e. That individuals, by virtue of race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin, are inherently responsible for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin.

f. That fault, blame, or bias should be assigned to members of a race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin.

g. That any individual should accept, acknowledge, affirm, or assent to a sense of guilt, complicity, or a need to apologize on the basis of his or her race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin.

h. That meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are racist or sexist.

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News of the Week (March 24th, 2024)


News of the Week for March 24th, 2024

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