Tag Archives: Lulz

Boxing Day Open Thread

     Now this is a holiday! Tweet

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12 Posts of Christmas, 2020 (Day 7)

     Ask not for whom the jingle bells toll for they toll for thee. Tweet

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The “Bad Touch” Biden Commemorative Cake

     Joe “Bad Touch” Biden’s election win is certainly being celebrated around the world, including Hong Kong where a bakery has commemorated the infamous hair-sniffer and lover of anime girls with a commemorative cake. “A Hong Kong bakery has received a … Continue reading

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Critical Election Theory

     Ever notice how “Critical Theory” isn’t selectively applied and wondered how it would go if applied to some non-woke preconceived conclusion?      Thanks to Twitter user James Lindsay, you can! “People who deny any evidence of election fraud exhibit a rhetorical … Continue reading

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12 Posts of Christmas, 2020 (Day 3)

     A very “Year 2020” Season’s Greetings… Tweet

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Anti-Colonialism in Space!

     The following message was dropped off from a spaceship that looked like a DC-8 on its way to a volcano. It would seem that you Teegeeackians are finally listening to your Thetans and checking your Teegeeack privilege by treading lightly … Continue reading

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When Everyone Is White

     Apparently “White Supremacy” is so oppressive because “Whiteness” is so… inclusive and diverse. *universe exploding from head gif* pic.twitter.com/DDCZ5nhe2g — David Edward™ (@_David_Edward) November 5, 2020      That’s a funny “supremacy” that seeks to include more and more people within it. … Continue reading

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Fictional Spartans: The Enemies Of Wokeness

     “Shut up and enjoy your conquering enlightened overlords” is a take that does fairly encapsulate the Leftist ideology which is currently seeking to dominate. ‘Twould be “problematic” otherwise, as problematic as fictional Spartans trying not to be conquered. Comedy pic.twitter.com/Ml6MqHDTHG … Continue reading

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Equity & Marxism Explained In Cartoon Form

     A core belief of the many of the Orwellianly named “anti-fascist” and “anti-racist” rioters/revolutionaries is that “equality”—not just of opportunity, but also results —is evil because it does not compensate for the “unearned privilege” that White individuals purportedly have, and … Continue reading

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Going Bald for Black Lives Matter?

     Are the White woke people going bald for #BlackLivesMatter?      Let’s find out!      This is tidbit came across on Twitter… Today I showed my solidarity for #blacklivesmatter by shaving my head in protest. #gobaldforblm i feel amazing pic.twitter.com/yNV44MsAca — MADDIE ❀ … Continue reading

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