Tag Archives: Affirmative Action

Whither Columbia?

     ‘Tis an interesting confluence in the year 2020, where statues of Columbus, et al., are being torn down because of “racism”, including by the California state Senate which ironically voted to endorse racial discrimination by removing the prohibition of the … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – Unwelcome in College: Affirmative Action Bake Sales; Teaching Conservative Political Thought; Male Authors

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Drive out the unbelievers of wokeness!!1!      First, a little mood music: … Continue reading

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The Veil of John Rawls’ Ignorance

     John Rawls is a name that few Americans are familiar with, let alone a name many, if not most, conservative are unfamiliar with.   Yet his major works, “A Theory of Justice” and “Political Liberalism” have served as the lens through … Continue reading

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Equity vs. Essentialism

     Two of the major contrasts between Leftist thought and conservatism (in the Anglospheric vein) are: Whether human beings are tabula rasa upon which society can writ large vs. the idea that human nature actually exists; and society should reflect an … Continue reading

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The Need for Conservative Campus Teach-Ins

Doing the job that universities once did.      Academia and American Universities more broadly, are ground zero for the Progressive attack on Western Civilization, “Kyriarchy”, and any semblance of sanity.      So infiltrated are the college campuses of America, that almost every … Continue reading

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White Privilege Conference and Friends

     For yet another year, the annual “White Privilege Conference” will occur, where people come together and figure out how to better blame Whitey for everything wrong in the world.  Also, intersectionality: “The 2016 conference will feature a variety of speakers … Continue reading

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At UCLA: Begging A Final Solution

     Yet another race related walkout/protest occurred at UCLA against “‘racist, oppressive’ universities”… despite the fact that the university pushes “diversity” with a “diversity” vice-chancellor and special privileges and perquisites that discriminate against White on the per se basis of race … Continue reading

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Modern Educayshun

     The way things are going with the modern campus Red Guards, the insanity below seems almost… plausible. Tweet

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Minnesota Governor Channels Berthold Brecht

     Calls for the replacement of a population with one more amenable one is at this point a sad and pathetic, if true, trope of the Left.  “Tommy Commie” Hayden called for the kindler, gentler genocide of White people, and Nevada … Continue reading

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The Fundamental Transformation of America

     Relying on common law and tradition limited the power of those in the present. It shackles politicians and judges alike in order to limit them and protect us.      Those rights will be replaced with the made up rights found in … Continue reading

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