Monthly Archives: August 2024

Free to Choose Friday, Revisited (Part 1)

     With the Presidential election but ten weeks away, this is a good time to revisit Milton Friedman’s ten-part Free to Choose each Friday before the election as a reminder of why politically good sounding policies are often bad economics.      The first episode: The … Continue reading

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Quick Takes — Brought To You By Modern Academia: Historical Ignorance; Structurally Racist Healthcare; $330K For Violating Free Speech

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Ignorance is strength and tuition for fines      First, a little mood … Continue reading

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The Mostly Peaceful Political Trap

     “Owning the Libs”, particularly online, has become the primary weapon of political warfare, particularly with the chronically online. What was once high meme culture and sophisticated in its own faux-juvenile way has devolved into sick burns where political success is … Continue reading

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Glaciers Are Politicians Too

     There is a certain obsession with the “Nature Rights” crowd with making objects morally equivalent to humans. They’ve done this with lagoons, lakes, moons, swamps, rivers, and mountains.   Now, not only are glaciers like people too, they can even … Continue reading

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Science vs. The Oppressive Colonialism Of Intellectual Property

     In this day and age where everything seems to be accused of being White Supremacy from milk to mini-sombreros, science is of course targeted as oppressive and colonialist. Science has been declared to be sexist, and even a form colonialism … Continue reading

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News of the Week (August 25th, 2024)

  News of the Week for August 25th, 2024 Tweet

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Firing Line Friday: Resolved: That Welfare Has Done More Harm than Good

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.      The question of whether the Welfare state is good or bad depends for far too many people on … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – Lesser Children Of Gaia: “More Than Human” Rights; Wyoming City Approves Rights For Nature; School of Sustainability

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Sorry, you’re just not as important as some random rock.      First, … Continue reading

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More Than Blood, More Than Land

     For some, what makes Americans American is being a “common people”, a “common land”, and a “shared history”.   This is true of practically every single people with a homeland that have been identified as such for long enough.   … Continue reading

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The Woke Roots Remain

     With the many stories of “DEI” bureaucracies being dismantled in academic institutions, it is easy to think that it has been defeated and in retreat, with sane voices ready to declare victory. However, in some schools, they are just rebranding … Continue reading

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