Tag Archives: Patriotism

Post-Conservative Right

     The Conservative Movement in America, particularly after the Second World War, was formed to stand in opposition to the Leftism, the core tenants of which were widely accepted, but did not seem a threat because the social mores and traditions … Continue reading

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12 Posts of Christmas, 2022 (Day 11)

     A little Christmas message for our enemies around the world. Tweet

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Firing Line Friday: Resolved: That the Senate Should Ratify the Proposed Panama Canal Treaties

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.      In this day and age when we debated what the future should be, let us look back on … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving for 2022!

     This Thanksgiving, let us eschew politics and recognize the blessings that other do not have… and that of those few are just discovering, such as those who have escaped tyranny. Tweet

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When Even Academia Honored The Brave

     Though begun as “Armistice Day,” Veterans Day has expanded in the United States as a day for all those brave men and women who fight to keep us free. But we must never forget those who sacrificed themselves.      Even Ivy … Continue reading

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Post-Election Ballot-Counting Musical Interlude

     While the counting of ballot continues and continues, let us enjoy an apropos musical interlude. Tweet

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Word To Remember When Voting

     A decade ago, I was talking with a scientist who had immigrated from Bulgaria, had lived under Communism, and had become an American citizen. The words she spoke to me still gives me a chill of terror: Tweet

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2022 Election Predictions

     It’s prediction time!   My “official” predictions for the 2022 election are below. Some perfunctory notes, however. On a national scale, the midterm was always likely to to be against the Democrats since they are the Presidential party in power. … Continue reading

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Wokeness Sneaks In Sub Rosa

     More and more people are noticing that the latest woke craze didn’t just suddenly sprout out of the ground ex nihilo, but were carefully planted as seeds long before. Corollary is that if some con in 2005 had said that … Continue reading

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Twenty-One Years Ago Today – NEVER FORGET

     Twenty-one years ago today, America was attacked. Instead of focusing in on America leaving Afghanistan, let us focus in on why we went there to begin with.  Never forget the victims who died, and those who fought back.      In Pace, … Continue reading

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