Monthly Archives: September 2024

No Hope In Venezuela

     Venezuela (along with their Latin American BFFs Cuba and Nicaragua) remain a threat to the U.S., yet the Biden Administration continues to try to play nice with them.   Is is because they’ve dabbled in market economics (as socialist countries … Continue reading

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News of the Week (September 15th, 2024)

  News of the Week for September 15th, 2024 Tweet

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Free to Choose Friday, Revisited (Part 3)

     With the Presidential election but eight weeks away, this is a good time to revisit Milton Friedman’s ten-part Free to Choose each Friday before the election as a reminder of why politically good sounding policies are often bad economics.      The third episode: … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – Anti-Racism In The Schools: Whites-Only Workshops; Blaming Jim Crow; Radical AP Exams

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: History is all about blaming the designated oppressor, dontchaknow.      First, a … Continue reading

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Twenty-Three Years Ago Today – NEVER FORGET

     Twenty-three years ago today, America was attacked. Instead of focusing in on the political and legal shenanigans going on in politics, let us focus who never would have the luxury of political circuses.  Never forget the victims who died, and … Continue reading

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Rose-Tinted Doom

     Nostalgia can be a hell of a drug. One of the points your humble author has emphasized is how the Left works sub rosa and doesn’t work openly until they believe they have fundamentally transformed society enough and the Overton … Continue reading

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Daniel Hannan On The U.K. Bringing Back Blasphemy Laws

     With all the biased news and hot takes over the recent chaos in the United Kingdom, particularly under newly minted Prime Minister Keir Starmer, an insightful and informative source of information is warranted. Baron Daniel Hannan helps illuminate the situation … Continue reading

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News of the Week (September 8th, 2024)

  News of the Week for September 8th, 2024 Tweet

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Free to Choose Friday, Revisited (Part 2)

     With the Presidential election but nine weeks away, this is a good time to revisit Milton Friedman’s ten-part Free to Choose each Friday before the election as a reminder of why politically good sounding policies are often bad economics.      The second episode: … Continue reading

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Quick Takes – Another Day, Another Death: Suicide By Pod; Suicide As Routine; Suicide More Common

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.      The focus this time: Life is hard and good times rare; death is easy and … Continue reading

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