Monthly Archives: April 2013

After a Bad Week, Something to Put a Smile on Your Face

     From the Boston Marathon bombing to the devastation of West, Texas by a series fertilizer plant explosions, this has been a rather bad week for news.      As an antidote to that, here is a little animated film that might just … Continue reading

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Tamerlan & Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: Brothers in Blood

     The younger of the two Boston Marathon terrorists, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was finally taken into custody, less than 24 hours after his elder brother Tamerlan died during the previous night’s police chase.      In time, we will likely find out what out … Continue reading

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War of Words

     William Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection has a recent post on how “language is destiny, and we have lost the language.” Indeed, defining the terms that we use can be 90% of the battle over not only politics, but the … Continue reading

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About the Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion

     By now, most people watching the news know about the massive explosions at a Texas fertilizer plant.      The main chemical in fertilizer, ammonium nitrate, is particularly nasty stuff.   Nitrates are themselves partial to exploding:  Both TNT and gunpowder have … Continue reading

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Kermit Gosnell: Evil Incarnate

     Kermit Gosnell was a Philidelphia area abortionist who is on trial for mueder.  He is not only responsible for killing one of the women who came in for an abortion, but also for delivering babies alive and then killing the … Continue reading

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From Education to Indoctrination

     The Progressive left have played the long game to power, and they are entering the final phase of taking control: The indoctrination of America’s children.  They are confident enough such that they can be open and honest about believing that … Continue reading

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Thoughts on the Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack

     I know someone who was running the the Boston Marathon.  Thankfully, that person is safe and sound.      Many others were not so lucky.      Coverage of the terrorist attack, the additional information rolling in, the breaking news that has been covered … Continue reading

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Some Tax Day Mood Music

Here is a bit of mood music for this tax day… Tweet

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Nevada 2nd Amendment Update (Apr. 14th, 2013)

     An update on firearms related bills going through the legislature:      The bad bills: AB234 and SB396 were not passed out of their committees, and because of this: “[p]ursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.”  This does … Continue reading

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News of the Week for Apr. 14th, 2013

  News of the Week for Apr. 14th, 2013 Tweet

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