The Abolition Of Dissent In The U.K.

     The United Kingdom has long since transcended from merely draconian to outright farce in its war on its own people.   The full weight of the government has been placed on such dastardly crimes as illegal use of spoons, using an assault whisk, praying silently, and worst of all, the sin of being a victim of domestic violence! But then, if anything, violence against women and girls seems to be either acceptable or outright in need of police protection! But worst of all is the expression of wrongthink.

     And in keeping in that Orwellian theme, Big Brother is watching and warning you not to post doubleplusungood social media!

     And this is no idle threat. The U.K. has been arresting and jailing people committing such thoughtcrime expression for years now. With the recent protests/riots against the new Labour government under Keir Starmer, the British police and courts have been going all out to silence and crush dissenters who dare to… share someone else’s Facebook post.

     The pure hatred of the U.K. elite is clear, and their disgust with those who dare dissent put on full display.

     Why, merely being witness has been basis for jail in the past, and people are on full notice that their noticing of protests and riots does not please their haughty overlords.

     Even Americans in the land of the free are being threatened, abet far more laughably, for mocking the U.K. Police’s vaunted effort to eradicate H8, and have already recently blocked access to their website due to trolling. Some have gone so far as to threaten extradition for daring to tweet like an American in America!

     Thankfully there are still some sane voices in the U.K. (for now).

     A little mood music.

     N.B. Memes pseudo-randomly sampled from Twitter/X.

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2 Responses to The Abolition Of Dissent In The U.K.

  1. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.13.24 : The Other McCain

  2. Pingback: Under U.K. Knife Laws #ZombieLivesMatter | The Political Hat

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