Children, the State, and Sexuality: The Slavery of “Sexual Liberation”

     The change in the laws to not only allow, but affirm and celebrate, homosexuality and transvestitism came under the guise that it was a private matter between consenting adults.  Unsurprisingly, that excuse was a lie, as the true target of the Progressive left is being openly revealed: Children.

     Richard Dawkins is openly stating that a little child molestation is perfectly spiffy!  While at first thought it seems crazy that anyone, even the Progressives, would want to make diddling minors to be acceptable, who would have thought fifty years ago, when homosexuality was illegal and considered a psychological disease, that not only would same-sex marriages be legal, but that those who disagreed with it would be considered “H8ers”!

     The Western tradition viewed “that our bodies are our own property, which means that we should not be touched or controlled sexually without our consent. A person raised with this worldview inevitably believes as well that his ability to control his body is the essence of his individuality. This physical individuality is the antithesis of slavery, which represents a person’s ultimate lack of control over his body.”

     Progressives, being Progressives, find autonomy to be anathema.  In order to socially engineer society, the Left must indoctrinate people when they are children, so that the children know of no other way of thinking.  It also fits in with the Progressives’ twisted view of “equality” where little differences like biological sex or age are tossed aside and all are equally the same.

     Even then, one would find it hard to believe that the rabid Left would do anything more than instill values and normalize aberrant sexual activities.  But that would be the wrong conclusion.  Rabid leftists have already tried “overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.”  Further:

“Sexual liberation was at the top of the agenda of the young revolutionaries who, in 1967, began turning society upside down. The control of sexual desire was seen as an instrument of domination, which bourgeois society used to uphold its power. Everything that the innovators perceived as wrong and harmful has its origins in this concept: man’s aggression, greed and desire to own things, as well as his willingness to submit to authority. The student radicals believed that only those who liberated themselves from sexual repression could be truly free.

“To them, it seemed obvious that liberation should begin at an early age. Once sexual inhibitions had taken root, they reasoned, everything that followed was merely the treatment of symptoms. They were convinced that it was much better to prevent those inhibitions from developing in the first place. Hardly any leftist texts of the day did not address the subject of sexuality.

“For instance, ‘Revolution der Erziehung’ (‘The Revolution in Education’), a work published by Rowohlt in 1971, which quickly became a bestseller, addresses sexuality as follows: ‘The de-eroticization of family life, from the prohibition of sexual activity among children to the taboo of incest, serves as preparation for total assimilation — as preparation for the hostile treatment of sexual pleasure in school and voluntary subjugation to a dehumanizing labor system.'”

     Many of the specific examples will not be discussed here for obvious reasons.

     Sadly, this was not purely an aberration.  Though in a milder form working towards gradual desensitization of society, the ultimate goals are still sought by the rabid Left.

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