Tag Archives: Star Trek

Fauxcahantas in Spaaace!!1!

     Demonstrating how O’Sullivan’s First Law (or Conquest’s Second Law), that every organization that is not explicitly right-wing, becomes left-wing over time, is so very true, the Science Fiction publisher Tor—hand in hand with the World Science Fiction Convention and Hugo … Continue reading

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National Debt Meets Temporal Mechanics

     Nevada state Treasurer has already beclowned herself after insisting that the elimination of the National Debt in 1835 caused the British to be successful in the War of 1812, with the problem thereafter being solved by a man killed in … Continue reading

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The Incredible Lightness of Being… State Treasurer

     With the biennial Nevada legislature kicking off for their 120-day limited threatening of life, liberty, and property, the idiocy of politicians steps out even more front and center than usual.      Sadly, with an early lead out of the starting-gate, Nevada … Continue reading

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House Republicans Very Own Kobayashi-Maru

     The “compromise” “Fiscal Cliff” bill was a no win situation for the House Republicans.      With the House passing the “compromise,” now taxes will be higher for some, but lower for others.      If the House had defeated the measure, then now … Continue reading

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When Tech Blogs Fail At Science

or… making a Star Trek reference does not make you a nerd.      A recent article on Wired.com attempted, and failed, to inform people about a genuinely interesting and potentially groundbreaking development in propulsion within our solar system.      While utilizing Star … Continue reading

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