California and the Euthanization of Citizenship

     Citizenship is more than what country is listed on one’s passport.  It indicates inclusion to the body politic and carries certain privileges and responsibilities.  Sadly, this has been whittles down in many cases to, de jure, voting, serving on juries, and running for office.

     California recently dodged a scheme by the California Grand Soviet Legislature to allow non-citizens to serve on juries and sit in judgment on American citizens when Gov. “Moonbeam” vetoed legislation to that effect.  The “right” to serve in a court of law, however, has already been granted to illegal aliens.  Now, California is poised to enable illegal aliens to not only register to vote, but for the modicum of effort previously needed to do so to be taken up by Leviathan itself:

“A bill signed Saturday by California Gov. Jerry Brown aimed at improving voter turnout has critics predicting that it will ramp up voter fraud by making it easier for noncitizens to cast ballots.

“The New Motor Voter Act automatically registers to vote all eligible voters when they obtain or renew their driver’s licenses at the Department of Motor Vehicles instead of requiring them to fill out a form. Those eligible may opt out of voter registration.

“The goal is to ease barriers to voting, but election-integrity advocates warn that the measure could inadvertently add millions of illegal voters to the rolls given that California allows undocumented aliens to obtain driver’s licenses.”

     But certainly the system will filter out those who are not citizens, right?  Nope:

“Eleven states and the District of Columbia now allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, which are different in appearance from those issued to citizens. In California, noncitizen licenses carry the words ‘Federal Limits Apply’ and ‘not valid for official federal purposes,’ according to

“In California, however, state officials ‘specifically chose not to make noncitizen license holders searchable in their DMV database,’ said True the Vote spokesman Logan Churchwell, who called the newly signed bill ‘unprecedented.'”

     Of course, that wouldn’t really matter since the Supreme Court has made it illegal to ask for proof of citizenship.

     With the plethora of Democrat-leaning “new voters”, the California Grand Soviet Legislature will be able to swell Democrat ranks beyond a super-majority and allow non-citizens to sit on juries, outright legally vote, or even be elected to state office.  Citizenship, at least on the state level, will mean precisely nothing, with anyone who saunters into the state having political power over your life, liberty, and property.

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