The Abolition Of Dissent In The U.K.

     The United Kingdom has long since transcended from merely draconian to outright farce in its war on its own people.   The full weight of the government has been placed on such dastardly crimes as illegal use of spoons, using an assault whisk, praying silently, and worst of all, the sin of being a victim of domestic violence! But then, if anything, violence against women and girls seems to be either acceptable or outright in need of police protection! But worst of all is the expression of wrongthink.

     And in keeping in that Orwellian theme, Big Brother is watching and warning you not to post doubleplusungood social media!

     And this is no idle threat. The U.K. has been arresting and jailing people committing such thoughtcrime expression for years now. With the recent protests/riots against the new Labour government under Keir Starmer, the British police and courts have been going all out to silence and crush dissenters who dare to… share someone else’s Facebook post.

     The pure hatred of the U.K. elite is clear, and their disgust with those who dare dissent put on full display.

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No More Mother, No More Father

     The blurring of the lines between men and women has long come in the form of denying any distinction and indeed any distinction of “gender” or mandated “gender neutral” ideology.   This has spread to a general assault of the English language and the very concept of “father” and “mother” around the world, in the courts, in Left-wing states, and even Congress.   Now, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will replace the terms “mother” and “father” on birth certificates to, respectively, “person who gave birth” and “other parent”, respectively. Bill H.4970 (2024) also changes “child born out of wedlock” to the more innocuous “nonmarital child”, and abolished paternity as a concept distinct from maternity—which is consistent with reality and experience—with the more generic “parentage.”

     The gender neutral wording is an unnatural usage and completely at odds with the difference of determining paternity and maternity in order to pretend that determining parentage is the same regardless of the gender/sex of the parent! The bill itself is primarily a series of substitutions and a creating of new gender neutral terms to replace centuries of what had been obvious.

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News of the Week (August 11th, 2024)


News of the Week for August 11th, 2024

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Firing Line Friday: The Republican Party and Moderates

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.

     The question of purity vs. pragmatism in politics is an old one, as this discussion between William F. Buckley, Jr., Jim Leach, and William A. Rusher concerning the Republican Party and moderates.

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Quick Takes – End Of Life? Euthanizing Because Of Eating Disorders; Euthanizing Because Of Bed Sores; Euthanizing Because Of Mental Illness

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: A “dignified death” for the undesirables.

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

Death, Rx

     Anorexia or Bulimia? Both are welcome to die!

“We identified 10 peer-reviewed articles and 20 government reports describing at least 60 patients with EDs who underwent assisted dying between 2012 and 2024. Clinical rationales were categorized into three domains: irremediability, terminality, and voluntary request. Reports emphasized that patients with EDs who underwent assisted death had terminal, incurable, and/or untreatable conditions and had adequate decision-making capacity to make a life-ending decision. Most government reports did not include descriptive-enough data to verify psychiatric conditions.”

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Subsidizing Poverty via Free Money From The Government

     Universal Basic Income (UBI), whereby people are given free money just for being a warm body, has often been heralded as an economic panacea. While some such as the laudable Milton Friedman supported negative income tax or replacing welfare programs run by the government with a check the recipient was free to decide how to spend, others look to it as the beginning of a “purple wage”.

     An undertaking to demonstrate the benefits of UBI has been undertaken and the results do not paint such a rosy picture.

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The True Nature Of The Uniparty: Grift

     Many people, particularly on the Right, talk about the “Uniparty”, which is some true elite that rules over the people. There is an underlying and unifying connection between Democrats and Republicans: The quest for filthy lucre.

     Sen. Mark Kelly (D—AZ), it turns out, hawked a Chinese “vitalizer”, which brings the type of political baggage that could sink higher political prospects.

“In 2015, former astronaut Mark Kelly rode a motorcycle onto a stage in China, with an American flag on one handlebar and the flag of the People’s Republic of China on the other. After dismounting, he told the audience before him how terrific Shaklee vitamins were, and how he took Shaklee Vitalizer on the space shuttle Endeavour in 2011, an out-of-this-world event honored on the Shaklee Facebook page.

“‘I took Shaklee vitamins and the Shaklee rehydration drink while in orbit aboard the space shuttle!’ Kelly said, pumping his fists before the audience. ‘They worked very well for me in a very demanding environment. Now, it is up to you. It is up to all of you to take those tools that Shaklee and Roger’ — company CEO Roger Barnett — ‘has given you, and turn it into something big! Each and every one of you can create your own successful Shaklee business, and it is the rewards from that business that will help you achieve your own dreams!’”

     Of course, this is the “Uniparty” we are talking about. An article over at PJ Media (the former Pajamas Media collaborative of former independent bloggers gone pro) praises a new Trump themed beer!

“If there are any beer can collectors out there, a new offering has hit the market, which should accent your display nicely. You may remember Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right Beer. That company stepped up when what’s-his-name became the spokesperson for that one beer nobody drinks anymore. The company has a new product: Conservative Dad’s “FIGHT.” The can features a black-and-white photo of the wounded Donald Trump rising triumphantly from the platform in Pennsylvania, his fist high in the air. The company released a commercial on X featuring the voice of Sylvester Stallone (or perhaps an impersonator) in his role as Rocky Balboa”

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The New Opium War

     During the 19th Century, the United Kingdom fought the Opium Wars to ensure that opium, one of the most lucrative commodities for the British that century, would be traded to the Chinese, despite the objections by the Chinese to the destructive consequences of this trade to the Chinese people.

     The current Communist Chinese regime seems to have learned this lesson well, and is pushing it’s own opoid trade. However, instead of a direct confrontation, they are working through proxies in Latin America—primarily through America’s neighbor Mexico.

     A bipartisan report from the House Select Committee on the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is blunt about the facts:

“The PRC, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is the ultimate geographic source of the fentanyl crisis. Companies in China produce nearly all of illicit fentanyl precursors, the key ingredients that drive the global illicit fentanyl trade. The House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party (Select Committee) launched an investigation to better understand the role of the CCP in the fentanyl crisis.

“This investigation involved delving deep into public PRC websites, analyzing PRC government documents, acquiring over 37,000 unique data points of PRC companies selling narcotics online through web scraping and data analytics, undercover communications with PRC drug trafficking companies, and consultations with experts in the public and private sectors, among other steps.

“The Select Committee’s investigation has established that the PRC government, under the control of the CCP:

  • Directly subsidizes the manufacturing and export of illicit fentanyl materials and other synthetic narcotics through tax rebates. Many of these substances are illegal under the PRC’s own laws and have no known legal use worldwide. Like its export tax rebates for legitimate goods, the CCP’s subsidies of illegal drugs incentivizes international synthetic drug sales from the PRC. The CCP never disclosed this program.
  • Gave monetary grants and awards to companies openly trafficking illicit fentanyl materials and other synthetic narcotics. There are even examples of some of these companies enjoying site visits from provincial PRC government officials who complimented them for their impact on the provincial economy.
  • Holds ownership interest in several PRC companies tied to drug trafficking. This includes a PRC government prison connected to human rights abuses owning a drug trafficking chemical company and a publicly traded PRC company hosting thousands of instances of open drug trafficking on its sites.
  • Fails to prosecute fentanyl and precursor manufacturers. Rather than investigating drug traffickers, PRC security services have not cooperated with U.S. law enforcement, and have even notified targets of U.S. investigations when they received requests for assistance.
  • Allows the open sale of fentanyl precursors and other illicit materials on the extensively monitored and controlled PRC internet. A review of just seven e-commerce sites found over 31,000 instances of PRC companies selling illicit chemicals with obvious ties to drug trafficking. Undercover communications with PRC drug trafficking companies (whose identities were provided to U.S. law enforcement) revealed an eagerness to engage in clearly illicit drug sales with no fear of reprisal.
  • Censors content about domestic drug sales, but leaves export-focused narcotics content untouched. The PRC has censorship triggers for domestic drug sales (e.g., “fentanyl + cash on delivery”), but no such triggers exist to monitor or prevent the export of illicit narcotics out of the PRC.
  • Strategically and economically benefits from the fentanyl crisis. The fentanyl crisis has helped CCP-tied Chinese organized criminal groups become the world’s premier money launderers, enriched the PRC’s chemical industry, and has had a devastating impact on Americans.

     Yet far too many seem to want to downplay this, purportedly for diplomatic reasons. For others who wish for American foreign policy to be more limited to defending the homeland, this is a reminder that foreign powers far away can and do run amok within the United States of America—the interests of America’s enemies are our immediate, not peripheral, interest.

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News of the Week (August 4th, 2024)


News of the Week for August 4th, 2024

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Firing Line Friday: The High-Frontier Concept

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.

     With the growing threat to America from places like Communist China—with its multitude of production facilities—and it’s allies, the ability of America to deter military aggression may very well be the technological edge that the United States holds, or is at least perceived of holding. Let us look back forty years when William F. Buckley, Jr. and George Keyworth discussed the Strategic Defense Initiative (i.e. Reagan’s “Star Wars”) a high-frontier concept as one such technological deterrent.

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