The following message transmitted via a Silmaril…

Pictured: New Zealand Social Justice Warrior
The incoming Labour Prime Minister of Middle Earth New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, already known for her pro-civil rights stances for the poor and oppressed Orcs, is a welcome replacement as an ally for social justice against those racist pasty-faced Elves and their irrational animus against persons of color like orcs, goblins, and denizens of Far Harad.
“Ms Ardern said New Zealanders were not feeling the benefits of prosperity. Asked if capitalism had failed New Zealanders on low incomes, Ms Ardern was blunt.
“‘If you have hundreds of thousands of children living in homes without enough to survive, that’s a blatant failure. What else could you describe it as?'”
Our new alliance of the two towers with Jacinda Ardern will make sure that there are no starving and unemployed White Supremacists Elves, bankers Dwarves, and hole-dwelling trash in flyover country Hobbits…
Who could argue with such a strong advocate of Social Justice?
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