Move over “Genderbread Person” and “Gender Unicorn”, all the woke kids are being taughtm, by the dictates of the Wisconsin Department of Education, to talk about snowmen and how they are all special little snowflakes!
The Wisconsin Department of Instruction plans to teach our children to disabuse themselves of the foolish notion that there are only two sexes, male & female.
When you were born, the doctor and your parents saw your genitalia and made a guess. Turns out…they might be wrong.
— Scarlett Johnson (@scarlett4kids) September 27, 2023
Of course, all of this is nonsense. There are two biological sexes. Those sexes are not “assigned at birth”, and one’s inner fantasy of what they “feel like” inside has no basis in objective reality.
Wisconsin DPI: The combination of anatomy, chromosomes, and hormones that are typically classified as male, female or intersex. Sex is usually assigned at birth based solely upon a person's visible external anatomy.
A person's innermost concept of self as being…— Scarlett Johnson (@scarlett4kids) September 27, 2023
Oh, and apparently this was funded by the Federal Government’s “Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration”, where every day is apparently opposite day.
There is no such thing as a biological sex binary, and gender identities are infinite.
This training and resource material for Wisconsin children was paid for by all of you…via Project Aware.
— Scarlett Johnson (@scarlett4kids) September 28, 2023
“Gender Identity” is essentially a spiritual or religious notion of self and belonging. So much for that so-called “separation of church and state” that the Left often touts.
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