Belgium Puts the Youth in Euthanasia

     The first child to be killed by “assisted suicide” since Belgium legalized the practice for minors has had his life snuffed out.

Meanwhile… in a Belgian Hospital

     The law is supposed to only to apply when the child is “terminally ill, face ‘unbearable physical suffering’ and make repeated requests to die before euthanasia is considered”. But we were all promised the same thing when euthanasia was first put in place, and now we have people killing themselves in Belgium out of ennui.

     This is just another step in Europe’s ritualized suicide.   Considering that doctors routinely kill off their own patients without their patients consent, even if the medical staff have to be made to participate, and target the weakest and most vulnerable amongst us, this additional step towards an invariable death cult is becoming more frightening by the day.

     That euthanasia is already been used to kill off survivors of child molestation, just ups the evil of these laws.

     Not to be outdone by the Belgians, the Dutch seem to be partial to child euthanasia centers

     A little mood music:

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3 Responses to Belgium Puts the Youth in Euthanasia

  1. Pingback: Deathwatch: Belgian child edition

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 10.11.16 : The Other McCain