Equity And Political Correctness Come To The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention

     The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have decided that the best way to control and prevent disease is… wokeness. Oh, and it’s very, very intersectional.

     Apparently, healthcare isn’t equitable if you use doubleplus ungood words, or even just perpetuate “violence” with words.

     And, of course, you are supposed to use preferred terms and pronouns based on… criminality?

     …or being an illegal alien.

     …and, of course, when dealing with biological threats you should never bring up whether someone is a biological male or biological female…

     Oh, pictures are also doubleplusungood if they show a homeless person who isn’t White, have a White doctor treating a non-White patient, or even have someone who is skinny!

     As an exercise for you, dear reader, you can go down the rabbit hole of reading the resources and references they use from private organizations

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