Quick Takes – Killing Just Because: Killing Non-Medically; Killing The Mentally Disabled; Killing To Organ Harvest

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: Just a little killing here and a little killing there…

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

Death, Rx

     Much like how “Medical Marijuana” was used to normalize non-medial weed legalization, euthanasia was used to normalize killing people.

“The idea of a nonmedical model for assisted suicide was just pushed again by bioethics professor Eric Mathison. From the assisted-suicide-boosting Thaddeus Mason Pope’s Medical Futility blog (an excellent resource on these issues, reported by Pope objectively):

“‘Eric Mathison proposes a non-medical model of assisted dying.

 “‘The current, dominant model of MAID requires patients to get approval from healthcare providers before getting access to assisted suicide and euthanasia. This is problematic for a couple of reasons.

 “‘First, there’s a theoretical problem — namely, it’s paternalistic because it requires a healthcare professional to be convinced that the patient is suffering intolerably. And second, there’s a practical problem because there aren’t enough healthcare professionals who provide the service.

 “‘In response to these problems, Mathison believes that (1) the only requirement that a patient needs to meet is that they are making an autonomous choice, and (2) that non-medical personnel should be able to assist in their deaths.’

“That’s only logical. Killing/suicide isn’t a medical act. So why should it be restricted to doctors and nurse practitioners?”

     The euthanasia bill in the U.K. does more than just approve of the NHS’s already lethal record.

“But a report by the Policy Exchange think tank has warned the bill risks leading to a slippery slope of unintended consequences.

“In the report, Mr Teague writes: ‘Many of the safeguards promised by its supporters amount to nothing more than arbitrary restrictions, with no rational foundation. Reason demands their removal, propelling an irreversible expansion of scope that has already taken place in the Netherlands and elsewhere.

“‘This process is as logically inexorable as it is empirically inevitable, for the very arguments relied upon to justify physician-assisted suicide would also support the introduction of voluntary and, ultimately, non-voluntary euthanasia.’”

     Killing people in order to harvest their organs has become normalized.

“Indeed, a recent study in JAMA Surgery applauds procuring the kidneys of the euthanized because, after five years, the organs of those killed by doctors and then transplanted have worked well — even better than kidneys donated by people after brain death. From the conclusion of the study, which discusses donation after circulatory death from euthanasia (DCD-V):

“‘This study found that DCD-V kidney transplantation yielded a lower incidence of DGF [delayed graft function] compared with DCD-III kidney transplantation [controlled circulatory death after removing life support] and yielded long-term results similar to those of DCD-III and DBD [donation after brain death] kidney transplantation. The findings suggest that DCD-V is a safe and valuable way to increase the kidney donor pool.’

“Yes, DCD-V, or kill and harvest, is now its own category in organ-transplant medicine.”


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One Response to Quick Takes – Killing Just Because: Killing Non-Medically; Killing The Mentally Disabled; Killing To Organ Harvest

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