Quick Takes – Opposing Social Unjust Institutions: Food, Fighting, and Faith

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: All within social justice, nothing outside social justice, nothing against social justice.

     First, a little bit of mood music:

     Carrying on…

     In a free market system, food is efficiently distributed and fresh fruit and veggies are available all year round regardless of where you live. Apparently this is racist.

“Students at the University of Washington recently hosted a ‘teach-in’ on how America’s ‘food system is built on racism.’

“A student organization known as ‘Husky Real Food Challenge,’ a chapter of a ‘national campaign that leverages the power of youth and universities to create a healthy, fair, and sustainable food system,’ hosted Tuesday’s event to demonstrate how the food industry is ‘built on racism.’

“‘We know the title of our teach-in is proactive,’ organizers of the event concede, but insist that the title is ‘far from symbolic’ since ‘it is a fact that today inmates, predominantly black Americans, harvest a lot of the food that we eat for less than $.50/hr.'”

     Does this mean we don’t need all those agricultural “guest workers”?

     Sadly, those who want to “fight the system” and say they are doing so from “the inside” aren’t joking…

“West Point graduate and self-described communist is being investigated after posting controversial tweets showing him sporting pro-communist attire under his uniform.

“Second Lieutenant Spenser Rapone’s tweets included a picture of him in uniform holding his hat with the words ‘communism will win’ written inside, and another picture in which he displays a Che Guevara shirt under his uniform.”

     And you will be made to be woke: Swedish Prime Minsiter Löfven has declared that all priests must consecrate same-sex couples (from translation):

“No priest in the Swedish Church to refuse to marry same-sex couples, says Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) in an interview with the Church News.

“He compares a priest who refuses to consecrate same-sex couples with a midwife who refuse to perform abortions.

“If you work as a midwife must be able to perform abortions, otherwise you have to do something else. It is the same for priests who do not want to perpetuate the same sex, said the Prime Minister.


“Swedish church has gone beyond the law and as a church committed to same-sex marriages. The Prime Minister believes that the party wants to work for it should also cover the individual priest of the Church.”

     Compliance, prole, is justice…


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