The Normalization of Involuntary Euthanasia

     It has long become clear, that the claim that legalized euthanasia would only be used with the consent of terminally ill adults in full control of their faculties and in severe pain would be allowed to “die with dignity”, is and always has been a total steaming load of cow patties.

Death, Rx

     Now, data has been released to show that not only is the Netherlands executing innocent people without their consent, but is actually obfuscating the number of innocent people they are slaughtering!

“Every five years the Netherlands conducts a study to determine how people die in the Netherlands and whether or not there are concerns with the euthanasia law.

“The data from the 2015 study concerning ending-of-life decisions in the Netherlands was recently published. In 2015 there were 7254 assisted deaths (6672 euthanasia deaths, 150 assisted suicide deaths, 431 termination of life without request) and 18,213 deaths whereby the medical decisions that were intended to bring about the death.

“The 2010 Netherlands study of the euthanasia law was published in the Lancet July 11, 2012.


“According to the Netherlands 2015 official euthanasia report there were 5561 reported assisted deaths in 2015 and yet the data from the study indicates that there were 7254 assisted deaths in 2015. Therefore, there were 1693 unreported assisted deaths (approximately 23%) in 2015.

“The 431 terminations of life without explicit request, was up from 310 in 2010.

“… In almost every country, terminations of life without explicit request are considered homicide.”

     That slippery slope doesn’t seem so fallacious after all, does it?

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