Euthanasia of the Hippocratic Oath

     An online poll by Medscape suggests a disturbing trend: The Hippocratic Oath is increasingly been seen by younger doctors as not very meaningful:

“According to the poll, to which readers began responding November 22, of those under age 34, 39% said it was very meaningful, compared with 70% of those 65 and older. Conversely, of those in the under-34 group (which had 267 respondents), 18% said it was not at all meaningful vs 10% of those in the oldest age group (836 respondents).”

Death, Rx

     Further, in increasing number have never taken the oath. Specifically less than half under the age of 34.

     This is a self-reporting poll, and not necessarily statistically accurate, but it ought to give people pause. This is particularly disturbing in light of the growing acceptance of euthanasia, including cases where it is no longer even a matter of choice!

     This will not end well…

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