Fear, Hatred, & The Political Internet

     The online vitriol connected with politics (and really, almost anything these days) is not caused by a narrowing of the mind by living in a bubble, but the the narrowing of the mind by living from living in a bubble as a reaction to being shown the other side who live outside your sense of normalcy in the most demagoguing and fearmongering way, which causes people reject, knee-jerkingly, anything out of the safety of their online “safe spaces”.

     Social media is partly to blame. Their algorythms are designed for engagement and nothing is more engaging than expressing rage. Of course, the old Mainstream/Legacy Media gets in on this, but then increasingly so do the alternatives on the Right who have abandoned any pretense of trying to be insightful and informative and instead become part of many’s online “safe space” where people can be assured that they are good and will become victorious over the evil other.

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