So-called “Diversity Statements” have become widespread in academia, most notably as a mandatory part for applications for new faculty. More conservative states like Ohio and Utah have taken actions to ban such statements in public colleges. Now, the University of California Regents have decided to follow suit by no longer requiring new diversity statements as stand alone documents. The letter being circulated from the University President:
Note that this does not ban diversity statements as part of other submissions, application letters, or considerations… it just doesn’t draw attention to this as a factor, while keeping the actual consideration sub rosa. Top down pressure does not—can not—solve the systemic problems; all it does is keep the nail down just enough to avoid getting hammered. It’s nice, though, to see people to acknowledge the problem.
The irony here is that the University system is under the constraints of Prop. 209 (i.e. the California Civil Rights Initiative) which does more than this letter would require. In an of itself, a statement about being able to teach a wide variety of students from different backgrounds would be laudable, if it were not for the fact that it is used as a mere proxy for identity politics shenanigans.