No Hope In Venezuela

     Venezuela (along with their Latin American BFFs Cuba and Nicaragua) remain a threat to the U.S., yet the Biden Administration continues to try to play nice with them.   Is is because they’ve dabbled in market economics (as socialist countries tend to do when things aren’t going well with socialism), or is it because some in the Biden Administration see something of Venezuela in America’s future?

     And what a future we have now in Venezuela, an economic train wreck, where life in a hellhole is normal and children starve!

     Ah, but then there was an electoral hope, whom polls indicated would win in an election!   It’s not like a tyrant like Maduro would think of rigging the election, right, or blame his opponent for blackouts and other troubles happening under his current regime. It’s easier to just declare yourself the winner in such cases.

     But enough is enough, and the people will rise up and create hope from hopelessness. Fellow Latin American countries like Chile and Argentina have refused to recognize Maduro as the winner, the later having to deal with a stand-off at their Venezuelan embassy. And the international community certainly step up to the plate and offer the hated Dictator amnesty if he gives up peacefully. Even fellow Latin American countries like Panama, or even Brazil have offered amnesty for Maduro. But then even countries like Brazil, also controlled by socialists, isn’t a true friend to Maduro like Nicaragua is…

     Alas, there is no hope for hope, as Maduro responds by using and iron fist and live ammunition against his own people… but mostly live ammunition. He even has offers of help from his Sandinista friends!

     The result is unsurprising. The opposition is ordered arrested and a tyrant celebrates. Sadly, it is not Maduro who accepts amnesty and protection in a foreign country, but his opponent. Unlike Maduro’s lucky opponent, the people of Venezuela continue to suffer, if they are lucky enough to avoid the “re-education” camps.

     Remember, when you give people control of government so you can have everything you want, that power will inevitably be used to take from you everything you have.

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