Some anti-White groups believe that White people are actually evil mutant albinos that only originated a couple of centuries ago, and that they have been engaged in a conspiracy to cover up the “fact” that all of history’s great civilizations were run by Black individuals, from ancient China to classical Greece. Some anti-White groups believe that White people are soulless monsters created by Yakub. But apparently White people are actually ancient aliens… or something.
yt people are probably aliens from some loser ass planet that they fucked up. then they traveled the universe and found earth and was like, “oh wow! look at all these colored mfs. let’s take over the world and treat the darkest ones THE WORST.” and now we’re here in a pandemic
— Hoochie GOD (@_benjvmins_) August 12, 2021
mfs can’t even stay i the sun for more than 5 minutes without dying. and the sun literally gives humans energy. they ain’t from here. they don’t belong here.
— Hoochie GOD (@_benjvmins_) August 12, 2021
I’m not sure portraying White people as super-intelligent beings from an advanced civilization who came to colonize and uplift the natives is really much of an attack or put down against White people.
Just sayin’.
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