Institutional Education in America has long supported “wokeness” and “intersectionality”, with such woke rot reaching all the way to the Dept. of Education, as Christopher F. Rufo has uncovered.
Last month, a Department of Education-funded organization hosted a conference on "abolishing the United States."
I've obtained shocking leaked documents from the keynote session, which encourages teachers to "create disruption," "abolish" capitalism, and "tear down" America.
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 8, 2020
Is the presentation really that bad?
According to minutes from the session, the keynote speaker, Bettina Love, opened by saying that America has "oppressed [people of color] for 400 years" and that teachers must "consciously tear down a system that oppresses people" and "build a new world."
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 8, 2020
Yes, yes it is.
It just gets worse.
The organization hosting the conference—CAST—has received more than $16 million in taxpayer funding under the Trump Administration and this conference on "abolition" was attended by Department of Education staff.
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 8, 2020
The speaker argued that the United States has a "racial contract" that "says it's okay for white people to kill blacks with immunity" and that President Trump deliberately allowed the coronavirus to kill people of color.
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 8, 2020
Dr. Love claims that "reform is not enough" and that public school teachers must push for "the abolition of prisons," overthrowing the capitalist wage labor system, "radically changing" the school system, and "tearing down structures" that impede "anti-racist education."
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 8, 2020
The speaker then demands that "white people need to get out of white emotionality" and must be "willing to give up" their "wealth." She claims that existing civil rights laws are "all racist" and that white teachers must be "co-conspirators" in the revolution.
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 8, 2020
American taxpayers are now funding revolutionaries who want to overthrow the country. The speaker explicitly rejects "reform" and argues that we must "start over" to "build a new world." The phrase "abolition" is shorthand for "abolishing the United States."
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 8, 2020
I call on @usedgov and @BetsyDeVosED to immediately launch an investigation into Department of Education grants that fund critical race theory and explicit anti-Americanism. These divisive trainings do not improve education for children and should not be funded by taxpayers.
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 8, 2020
Even though “Critical Race Theory” has, during the present administration, banned the use of “White Privilege” diversity training, it can be undone and is still pervasive throughout education in the United States. The memo issued by the Trump Administration isn’t a victory, just an opening salvo of an overt response of a long-running war against America. To win it’ll will take years if not decades of deconstructing the Lefts precepts and framing while concomitantly renewing conservatives have conserved.
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