Woke Medicine Mandatory in Michigan

     In Michigan, doctors can no longer give check-ups unless they’ve checked their privilege!

“Michigan medical professionals will need to undergo implicit bias training in order to be licensed by the state, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and state leaders announced Thursday.

“The state Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs is in charge of licensing medical professionals. Under a new executive directive from Whitmer department will create new rules that make implicit bias training mandatory for people to qualify for licensure, renewal or registration. The new requirement is based on a recommendation from the Michigan Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities, led by Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II.

“‘The coronavirus pandemic has shown that this inequity is particularly and dangerously true,’ said Gilchrist, who has lost 23 people in his life due to the virus.”

     The reference to “equity” means institutional racial inequality when it comes to the practice of medicine; it’s normalization seems innocuous as first once established will mean accepted precedence to justify much worse.

     Yet again, we see that Corona-chan can only be stopped by wokeness… especially by no longer paying attention to physical attributes in the practice of medicine.

“Randolph F.R. Rasch, dean of the College of Nursing at Michigan State University, said implicit bias was an unconscious classification of somebody based on a physical attribute.”

     Modern medicine means taking two privilege checks and calling the doctor in the morning.

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