The Next Frontier for Sexual Liberation? Incest

     Homosexuality went from a mental disease to a civil right that must not only be tolerated, but championed, is because the courts now consider homosexuality to be an unchangeable genetic trait.

     What then is the next frontier for sexual orientation civil rights due to genetics?


     A recent story, about a man who met his birth mother for the first time since he was given up for adoption, has been making the rounds because the two want to marry and have a baby.  And the explanation for their love and sexual attraction is due to… genetics.

“It’s interesting that the public was so outraged, because the couple’s story is far from unique. In fact, a number of family romances have emerged over the last decade – and I can’t see them stopping any time soon. There have been cases of grandparents settling down with grandchildren, fathers and daughters in love, and even twins twinned up.

“What makes all these relationships tick isn’t love, or looks, or destiny, but – more likely – Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA). It’s the phenomenon no one wants to talk about – because it raises a taboo topic: incest.

“But it’s real – and with advances in fertility options, something we need to get our heads round. Fast.

“GSA describes a powerful sexual attraction that occurs when biological relatives – parent and offspring, siblings or half siblings or first and second cousins – meet for the first time as adults. It was first identified in the 1980s by Barbara Gonyo, who fell madly in love with her son. After they reunited in adulthood, Gonyo struggled for 13 years to break off feelings for him.

“That’s what GSA is: a struggle. When people criticise West, they overestimate her degree of control in the situation. Often GSA sufferers feel powerless – as if their feelings are impossible to change. There have been heartbreaking cases of families broken apart by GSA. It’s an affliction; a curse for all those involved.”

     And it is now being claimed that incestuous feelings like this is normal:

“Quite why GSA occurs is still up for discussion. There isn’t a great deal of research into the area, because who wants a PhD in incest? Some researchers have hypothesised, however, that an effect in infancy protects against GSA. When families live closely together, they become desensitised to each other as sexual prospects. This desensitisation effect is said to happen between birth and age six. Without it, and when relatives meet later in life, GSA can occur. Evidence from the Post-Adoption Centre and University College London suggests that GSA it happens in 50 percent of reunion cases.

“Put in this context, West becomes far less of a freak and more of regularity. It is only her pride in her relationship that has perplexed others, as many GSA couples feel deeply upset about what’s happened to them. There are even communities online for them to anonymously discuss their relationships.

“In the future, I hope they won’t have to hide away. I think that will be less likely as a result of increases in fertility options, which have dramatically upped the potential for GSA cases.”

     Dare anyone ask what comes after this?

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