This Is What Colleges Today Have Become

     A Freshman at Vassar describes his experience at orientation, wherein he was informed of the evils of cis-hetero-patriarical Whiteness.  The following is from a Reddit post to the /r/MensRights sub-reddit:

“Before going to my college of choice, I knew it was a place full of SJWs. However, it was the best college I had gotten into, and I wasn’t going to worsen my education do to opposing politics. I also figured that as long as I avoid the ethnic/women’s studies departments I would be avoid the SJW stuff. I was wrong.

“The first day I was on campus, I had to meet with my student fellow group. We had to go around a small circle and introduce ourselves, with things such as our name, our major, and where we are from: typical things. But we were also forced to say our preferred pronouns. In fact, when any student speaker introduced themselves (or should I say ‘xerselves’) they said their preferred pronouns.

“The next night it got worse. Once again, we had to get into a circle. We had to talk about our identities using an identity wheel and afterwards literally “check our privilege:” talk about which parts of our identity give us the most “privilege.” We then made a long walk to a larger gathering space where we were supposed to hear what it was like being part of the college. Instead, a bunch of false rape and wage statistics were yelled at us, strangely enough telling me more about the campus than any formal meeting could.

“After the statistics part, we were introduced to five students who would share their experience at the college. They were all talking about identity, and even though they were all SJWs, I will admit most of them seemed like generally nice people. However, the one that stood out the most was a rather aggressive Indian woman. She told us about an experience she had where she had a disagreement with the school’s administration. The ‘[oppressive] white man’ she talked to commended her on the bravery it took to talk to the administration. Sounds like a respectful move on the part of the administration, right? No, she thought they were ‘talking down to her as an Indian woman.’

“A day or two after that, we went to a ‘Hook-Up’ presentation about sexual assault. It was typical feminist rhetoric of ‘objectification’ and ‘slut vs. stud,’ but I knew this was coming from the orientation guidebook, so I wasn’t too shocked. I thought the SJW community at the college would eat it up, or at least think it got the point across well. However, after the presentation so many people got offended do to the presentation being ‘gendered’ and ‘heteronormative,’ (basically since it used straight couples as examples, which makes sense given that applies to the majority of couples) that our dorm made us have an emergency debrief about the presentation the next day.

“We later had to attend the college’s version of the sexual assault presentation. Strangly enough, the angry Indian woman from before was leading this presentation. While in the last presentation, they concluded about 6% of men are rapists, this one said that was a very small number and that all men contribute to ‘rape culture.’ We were presented with a ‘rape culture’ pyramid which showed that things such as ‘jokes’ and ‘traditional gender roles’ support things high up in the pyramid, like rape and murder. (Maybe if we just close down Comedy Central we will have an end to murder) The presenter also said things such as ‘Asking a pregnant mother if her child is a boy or girl, is violent since we don’t yet know its gender.’ Yes, violent.

“All these examples are only from my first week in. Feel free to ask me anything about this, and if you have advice or are in a similar situation at school, please comment.

“Update: I took your guys advice and skipped the presentation. Wasn’t completely sure if it was on SJW topics, but it struck me as such. There was also a scavenger hunt I decided to skip: check out #23 on the scavenger list.

“Update: Some people from college found this page. Here are some pms: that_onegirl: ‘PLEASE transfer. Everyone will be happier, especially you. People are definitely going to find out who you are and either you’re gonna have to realize that you’re an ass and change your ways or you’re gonna have to transfer yourself and your douchebaggery to a state school or something.’ J4H20: ‘I live in your dorm. Oh wow, you just committed social suicide here and you deserve 100% of it. lmao’ (Do note not everyone who sent me a message was like this. Some were supportive, and I think one was just curious.) “

     P.S. The links to the images do not work any longer.

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