The Pernicious Invention of “Disparate Impact”

     One of the hallmarks of Cultural Marxism and wokeness is the belief that justice can not be attained by treating people equally or even by treating them as individuals. Instead, a “System of Oppression” that is proclaimed to be at the very core essence of society is to blame. The “proof” of this is racial disparity of the “oppressed” group being statistically worse off vis-à-vis the dominant “oppressor” group. This is what has become known as “disparate impactwhere “any variance in […] statistics involving race vis-à-vis racial demographic statistics is presumed to be caused by racism.”

     But where did this concept come from? Legally, it was invented by the Supreme Court in Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971).

     This decision became the legal basis for racially conscious government decision making (and business decision making via the threat of government legal action), and the justification for equity.

     Many bad Supreme Court precedents have fallen in recent years. This is another one ripe for the picking.

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