Quick Takes – Ghoulish Euthanasia: Infanticide; Starved to Death; Organ Harvesting

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: “Cannibal Corpse” songs are not supposed to be “how-to” guides.

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

Death, Rx

     Your body, your choice? Not if you preemptively declare that you don’t consent!

“Nevada — which now permits dementia patients to order themselves starved to death when they become incapacitated — has legislation that would change the state’s system from opt-in to opt-out. The bill is very awkwardly worded, deploying double negatives. From SB 134 (the bracketed words are existing law to be deleted):

“‘A donor may make an anatomical gift: (a) By [authorizing] not refusing to authorize a statement or symbol indicating that the donor has made an anatomical gift to be imprinted on the donor’s driver’s license or identification card) By [authorizing] not refusing to authorize a statement or symbol indicating that the donor has made an anatomical gift to be imprinted on the donor’s driver’s license or identification card.’

“In other words, driver’s licenses or ID cards would normally come printed with consent to donation, that would only be revoked if the person refused to authorize that default message. One must object to refuse donation. Doing nothing provides automatic consent.”

     The bill as introduced:

Nevada SB134 (2021) as Intr… by ThePoliticalHat

     An advanced directive that says you don’t want to live if you have dementia is a death sentence if you are ever diagnosed with dementia… even if you after said diagnosis emphatically you don’t want to die!

“[W]e are talking about starving people who willingly eat and drink. We are saying that people can become incompetent to ask for the basics of life. We are pondering a circumstance in which vulnerable patients may ask for food only to have it refused because of something they may have written years previously. (That awfulness happened at least once in a feeding tube case.) And these are people who may not be suffering or whose symptoms can be palliated effectively. In a sense, we are making dementia patients slaves to the thoughts and fears of their younger selves.

“We are also talking about forcing caregivers to starve their patients to death at risk of lawsuits for ‘wrongful life’ or other legal sanction.”

     Eugenics was a core principle of old Progressive ideology, and apparently it still quite approved of.

“German doctors were hanged at Nuremberg for killing disabled infants — part of the medical Holocaust.

“That same act — killing a baby because he or she is disabled or terminally ill — is now accepted with a shrug in the Netherlands under a bureaucratic infanticide checklist known as the Groningen Protocol — which was published with respect in New England Journal of Medicine.

“And a new study of Belgian neonatologists and associated medical professionals finds that huge majorities support the abortion of viable fetuses and active infanticide if the baby has a serious, but non-fatal disability.”


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