The Scottish parliament is considering a new law, the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, that would mandate the state assign, fore each and every child, a “named person” to act as a super-guardian to insure that parents don’t raise their child contrary to the whims of the state.
“This act – one of the most significant of the past decade – will mean the state appointment of a ‘named person’ for every child, from birth to the age of 18. These have been dubbed ‘state guardians’, which is not a bad description of their role. They are not practicing a particular profession or service, such as education or healthcare, but instead will have a general interest in the ‘wellbeing’ of their allotted child or children, as do parents or guardians. And not just in cases where a child is at risk, but in all cases, for all children.”
The “named person” will follow reports about a child and constantly monitor the family, but will also proactively intervene to make sure that parents don’t interfere with how the state believes the children ought to be raised:
“The other aspect of a named person’s role is to propose ‘interventions’. They will have a role in drawing up a ‘child’s plan’ if a child is found to have a ‘wellbeing need’: this plan will outline the ‘targeted intervention which requires to be provided… in relation to the child’.”
Parents, then, are but accidental caregivers that the state, for now, has to put up with… but not without a corrective guardian. After all, the state is mother, the state is father…
This has been a long held sentiment of the Left, and now they have a chance to put it into full practice.
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