What’s the Spanish Word for “Kulak”?

     Venezuelan dictator Nicola Maduro has had 100 “bourgeois” arrested for being “barbaric… capitalist parasites!”

The actions of Maduro have gone far beyond that, though:

“Since the weekend, soldiers and inspectors have gone into 1,400 shops, taken over operations at an electronics firm and a battery-making company


“Only a few of the hundreds of shops targeted with surprise inspections had been found to be offering ‘fair prices'”

     Unsurprisingly, these actions have taken place a mere three weeks before elections.  We can dispense with the fiction that fair elections are even possible in Venezuela now.

     De-Kulakization has already begun.  This will not end well.

     Hat Tip: Weasel Zippers.

     P.S. Yes, the term “Kulak” is associated with peasants who were not absolutely poor (unless they were disliked by Stalin), but it has also in the broader sense been used for “prosperous, ruthless, and stingy merchant[s].”  Regardless, the term “Kulak” is properly invocative.

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