Why Did A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Public Charity Openly Campaign for Obama?

     An Federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit public charity has openly campaigned for Obama’s re-election.

     An eco-group called “Earth Guardians” lists themselves as “a project of GAYA – Global Alliance of Youth in Action, which is a Federally Recognized 501(c)3 Non-Profit Public Charity and a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation.”

     It is illegal for a 501(c) to openly campaign for a candidate for public office, amongst other political activities.  Yet, they have done just that:

     Please let your elected officials know about this and spread this information.  Considering that the IRS has been waging a secular jihad against Tea Party groups, this glaring example of a real violation of the law does nothing but demonstrate the clearly partisan nature of the IRS scandal.

     Additional screenshots in case they try to scrub their website:

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