Social Justice Institute

     The Barnard Center for Research on Women, an openly Feminist center of Barnard College, has formally initiated a Social Justice Institute to strengthen their “commitment to scholar-feminist praxis by building a series of collaborative projects with activists, activist-scholars, and community-based organizations and coalitions in New York City and beyond”.

social justice thumb

     The Barnard Center for Research on Women has, especially this century, already built up a lengthy CV of collaborating to push hard Left insanity and activism, utilizing its status as a non-prophet educational institution. Amongst some of the past hard Left organizing:

     The inaugural “Social Justice Institute Activists-in-Residence” aims to take seriously the “critiques of the academic and non-profit industrial complexes that have emerged”. This is an open admission that the Left’s fountainhead of insanity derives from an academic-nonprofit axis of evil. The five “fellows” (oh, the irony of such a Patriarchical term being used “unironically” by Social Justice Warriors…) include:

Reina Gossett, Activist-in-Residence

“As an Activist-in-Residence, Gossett will continue her work producing videos and other activist-educational resources, as well as organizing and hosting a collaborative art exhibit featuring work on disability justice, prison abolition, and queer and trans liberation in collaboration with Sins Invalid, a disability justice organization that centers the work of queer and trans artists of color, and the Trans Life and Liberation Art Series, which amplifies the struggles and resiliency of trans femmes of color.”

     That checks off quite a few identity groups. What deal for Barnard…

Cara Page, Activist-in-Residence

“As an Activist-in-Residence, Page will deepen her study on historical and contemporary eugenic practices and medical experimentation to shape a public discourse on the historical and contemporary role of eugenic violence as an extension of state control and surveillance on Black & immigrant communities; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming people; people with disabilities; and Women of Color. Through creating political writings, cultural performance and communal forums on these issues she will gather a cohort of healers/health practitioners, cultural workers, organizers, scientists and service providers to transform institutional eugenic practices; and memorialize sites of eugenic practice to bear witness to these atrocities and begin to organize and heal.”

     Hitler! Hitler everywhere!!1!

Tarso Ramos, Activist-in-Residence

“As an Activist-in-Residence, Ramos will convene a group of movement leaders to discuss and document intersectional approaches to movement building in the context of growing right wing attacks against reproductive, racial, gender, and economic justice. This group will identify best practices and develop models based on the work of Political Research Associates to highlight the effectiveness of intersectional work and provide resources for progressive, people-of-color-led base-building work.”

     So, he(?) wants to create a modern day version of the Red Guard or the Sturmabteilung. Good to know…

Andrea J. Ritchie, Researcher-in-Residence

“As a Researcher-in-Residence, Ritchie will focus on deepening public understandings of the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, and criminal justice through the completion of her book Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color. She will also publish a series of articles on policing of race, gender, sexuality, and criminal justice, and conduct public engagement on these topics with activists, academics, and policy-makers. Ritchie will also conduct research to develop a framework for the philanthropic community to support and sustain the innovative and intersectional models that challenge the violent policing and criminalization of women, LGBTQ immigrants, and people of color.”

     Ummm, “criminalization of women, LGBTQ immigrants, and people of color”? But where will I get my green Orion slave women now?

Dean Spade, Activist-in-Residence

“As an Activist-in-Residence, Spade will collaborate with Activist-in-Residence Reina Gossett to develop videos and other activist-educational resources focusing on the critical intersections of disability justice, prison abolition, and queer and trans liberation in collaboration with Sins Invalid, a disability justice organization that centers the work of queer and trans artists of color, and the Trans Life and Liberation Art Series, which amplifies the struggles and resiliency of trans femmes of color. Spade will also collaborate with Activist-in-Residence Andrea J. Ritchie to produce a series of activist-educational videos on police violence targeting girls, women, and LGBTQ people of color.”

     So, more YouTube videos no one else will bother watching?

     These people are being subsidized by rich non-profit foundations and tax-payer dollars via subsidized student loans and other educational privileges granted by government.

     It’s going to take far more than elections to change the power and privilege that these Social Justice Warriors have accumulated.

     Hat Tip: Campus Reform.

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