Killer Vince Neil Supports Victim Disarmament

     Updated to include Vince Neils response.

     Of all the politicized anti-gun messages that came out in the wake of the mass-murder spree in Newton, CT, one of the most ironic was that of rock star Vince Neil.

     To be fair, it was initially only a small aside, and not the tirade from the usual suspects on the left.  However, he did double down and make it himself clear:

     It is sad that yet another celebrity is calling for restricting the right of law-abiding people to defend themselves against monsters. Most gun owners have never killed anyone, regardless of whether it was with a gun or not.  Vince Neil, however, is a convicted killer.  From Þe Olde Wikipedia:

“After partying for hours, Neil and Razzle decided to take a trip to a local liquor store in Neil’s De Tomaso Pantera. Neil, who was drunk, lost control of the car and hit an oncoming vehicle. The two occupants of the other car were seriously injured and suffered brain damage, and Dingley was killed. Neil was charged with vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol in connection with the crash. His blood alcohol level was 0.17, well above the California legal limit at that time of 0.10.”

     Sadly, this was not the only time he was arrested in relation to drunken driving.

     Perhaps Vince Neil should be calling for more “car control” instead of more “gun control”?  After all, even after killing a friend with his car, he continues to be allowed to drive, yet calls for restrictions on people who have killed no one! Of course, he has been involved in many, many, many, many situations where he was accused of assaulting people.  Perhaps, it is not the fault of a gun or a car, but of the person using it that is ultimately responsible for causing the pain and suffering of others.

     Update: Vince Neil has responded to criticisms of his earlier tweet is the below screed:

     No word on how he feels about “sick” people that let him have access to another lethal weapon like the one he used to kill…

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