Quick Takes – Canada Killing: Specialized In Killing; Plethora Of Killing; Hidden Killing

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: Canada really would rather you be dead.

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

Death, Rx

     In Canada, the most important part of being a doctor in their socialist system isn’t about curing diseases or treating injuries… it’s about killing people.

“ The Canadian government is teaching doctors to become euthanasia killing specialists. From the Canadian-government press release:

“‘Today, the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health, and the Honourable Ya’ara Saks, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, welcomed the release of the Canadian MAiD Curriculum developed by the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP). This Curriculum is the first nationally accredited, bilingual MAiD education program available to licensed physicians and nurse practitioners across the country and will help achieve a safe and consistent approach to care.

“‘Since being announced in July 2022, this multi-year project has developed a series of training modules to advise and support clinicians in assessing persons who request MAiD, including those with mental illness, complex chronic conditions, or who are impacted by structural vulnerability, as well as help with the practical application of the MAiD legislative framework. It will be delivered through a combination of online and in-person learning sessions for interested health practitioners, regardless of their level of experience.

“And here’s a point to be emphasized — it’s also about killing physically healthy people with mental illnesses:

“‘This is another step in the work by all levels of government to prepare Canada’s health care system for the expiry of the exclusion of MAiD eligibility for people suffering solely from a mental illness on March 17, 2024. The Government of Canada will continue working with provinces and territories (PTs), and health partners to support MAiD practice in Canada, including careful assessment of requests, so that it operates in a consistent and safe manner across the country, recognizing PT differences for health care delivery.

By definition, the concept of “safe” killing is oxymoronic. Euthanasia isn’t medical care. It is homicide.”

     And oh me oh my, are Canadian doctors good at killing!

“Canada has released its annual euthanasia report for 2022 — and it’s a bleak business. More than 13,000 Canadians received lethal jabs last year, representing 4.1 percent of all deaths in the country. From the Fourth Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2022:

  • In 2022, there were 13,241 MAID provisions reported in Canada, accounting for 4.1% of all deaths in Canada.
  • The number of cases of MAID in 2022 represents a growth rate of 31.2% over 2021. All provinces except Manitoba and the Yukon continue to experience a steady year-over-year growth in 2022.
  • When all data sources are considered, the total number of medically assisted deaths reported in Canada since the introduction of federal MAID legislation in 2016 is 44,958.

“There are more than 93,000 doctors in Canada. Most — thankfully — still do not lethally inject patients, with those who do killing about seven patients each.”

     All that death, and what they admit to isn’t even all of it!


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